
Put a #Believe in the comments if you make it to the end of this video!


This video resonated deeply with me as it reminds us that our true worth is intrinsic and not defined by external validations. The phrase โ€œI'm worthy right now and you're worthy right nowโ€ is a powerful affirmation of self-love and acceptance. I sincerely wish that everyone watching discovers the inner strength to embrace themselves fully and live a life of purpose and fulfillment.


I really like your stuff, Evan. Keep doing it


Get rid of your fear no guts no glory no risk no reward the time is now to overcome your fears and doubts and become the best version of yourself


This is truly helping me believe in myself and create content with confidenceโ€”thank you!


Hi there. I keep looping on the planning and not getting to the action. I also become rebellious when I put rules and outline everything. I love what you said about make the big decisions with your heart because I've got myself so wrapped up by needing to take emotion out of things and just doing the hard thing that I've lost the love and excitement that comes with creativity. I also love that you plan for different thing each day so it doesn't all blend in, especially the day for fun and re-energising.  It was so long, I was listening to it in the car and whilst doing the food shopping and there was just so much in it I wish I had pen and paper, but yes not overthinking, understanding that you'll suck first and that everyone does, (I always just think people are naturally good) just starting the 2%, education on YouTube and not feeling bad if you watch more videos than read. Needing creativity time and most importantly knowing how you operate so you can use that as a blueprint to succeed. Thank you for the lesson. Jade


I  like  your explanation  about  learning  from  experience  people  , thank  you.


If I'm speeding at 100 mph, my fear of all the bad things that can happen must get me to stop.


Fear to God it's necessary dear Sir if every step guide by God๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰


Awesome video


This is ๐Ÿ”ฅ




Put your fears aside and always seek positive attention to the spiritual side of the Blessings of God and Confidence be the principle of the life, together with Will Power, SELF CONTROL and Self care.


Wow.....i need that man as my BEST FRIEND ....he said... what i needed to hear... don't think it...just do it.


What is life inventions?


What is life invention to life communication in infinity aliens life.?


Yas sir enfarmahan soo cuti thakesyou sir please thakesyou soon machinery sir ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ dar nhi aya thoo gana hi yaa mare polecee hi

