The fact that the Mexican accent is on point... I wanna cry, what a good game
the ending is pure masterpiece. Makarov and the iconic "no Russian". the campaign is extremely thrilling and enjoyable, multiple playable characters. Amazing 100/100.
The transition from cutscene to gameplay is insane
Ok this looks more like movie than a video game, and the graphics are soo good, it looks so real
The moment Graves betrayed them and said, "Ghost are you there'' he knew exactly he could die because Ghost is simply like a ghost: you don't see him, you don't hear him and he's dangerous🥶
Finally found a PC Gameplay even after searching "MW2 PC gameplay. Nowadays all the top search results are of PlayStation gameplay. This video was way down of the search list
I probably won't ever get to play this game but after watching this, I'm convinced Soap and Ghost are the dynamic duo. Their interactions were so fun to watch! You totally should have responded with "Thought you'd like that" after Ghost said "A man after my own heart" though, can't believe you skipped that.
I have literally watched this like 3 times honestly the best thing I have watched all week didn't leave my room for 5 hours
I watched It with my girlfriend as a movie. At First, i tought It was the same story from MW2 (1) but with different characters and events.. over 5h, i was prepared to cry thinking about Ghost haha So the ending was mind blowing for me. Btw, you played perfectly. Congrats!
can't get over with this COD gameplay.. way better than hollywood movies...
Anyone watching in 2024 after playing the boring MW III?
the ending is pure masterpiece. Makarov and the iconic "no Russian"
The banters between Soap and Ghost are best. Every COD fan wants to live it. And Captain always..'Balls of Steel'. This version outdid itself in the caravan chase scene.
I cant believe i took a month to finished a 5 hours gameplay..but it was worth it..this reboot’s storyline are the same but this time its more intense and hard to kill an enemy..overall 12 out of 10 for this the way..great game bro
i noticed how rudy always take hit, remained objective and still kept going
This is like a Movie` more than a Game Love it ✨✨
This is the first time that I see someone that actually knows how to play the game make a gameplay❤❤❤❤ loved it
Finally, a playthrough with enjoyable gameplay. The other either have shit aim or a beginner. Love your playthrough