No matter what she does she always makes me smile
Your birthday hauls always slay! Also, for anyone who might try to leave a rude comment about her receiving such nice gifts for her birthday…..let’s make it clear that she is 100% grateful for everything she received, and it was her BIRTHDAY so obviously she’s gonna receive gifts. All of the gifts were from her friends and family, not just her family and she also didn’t grow up rich but has been making her own money shined she was 17-18. Nathaly receiving nice gifts for her birthday does not impact any of us directly and personally, so if you have an issue with her receiving nice gifts and showing them in this video…..that’s your issue, and your jealousy is not her responsibility or problem.
Ugh not me living through you at 33. 😅 You literally have the best life but honestly I couldn’t imagine anyone else. You are such a genuine soul. I love watching your videos so much. Hopefully one day I can have a life like this and it’s not to late for me. 🎉❤
I love these hauls! They literally being me so much joy! Every single video I watch makes me feel so much better after working over 12 hours in the day, and when I used to go through rough days in college. Two years ago, when I had the worst mental day where I felt everything was going wrong, I watched a bunch of videos and cried so much out of happiness because the whole vibe that comes from a Nathaly video is so calming and healing. I have introduced my boyfriend to the channel and constantly talk his ear off about all the videos I’ve watched and all the things Nathaly achieved by working so hard! My last boyfriend would complain about the adoration I have for this girl, IMMEDIATE RED FLAG! And now my current boyfriend always asks if I’ve watched the latest videos and even puts it on his tv so I can binge watch while he plays games or is doing fantasy football!
For the air purifier since you have two dogs, I recommend replacing the air filter every 4 months if yours also has a carbon filter I would replace that every 2 months. Also at the beginning of each month try to just dust and clean around it because they do collect a lot of dust in there and they get trapped in crevices.
GIRL i was JUST watching an old vlog because i missed your videos and I was all caught up on the new ones🥲🥲 YAY for another vlog 😋
Its almost winter and can't wait for the snowboarding content 🎉🎉
yk its a good day when nat posts
watching nat while being in labor making me feel relaxed !!
Nobody understands the amount of love I have for fall but you make me feel understood 😩
AHHHHH NAT POSTEDDDDD TY NATTT, I’m so happy and proud for you beautiful, so happy you get to own all these beautiful things and hopefully in the future you’ll have even more luxe and beautiful things!!❤❤❤
Whyyy are you so adorable obsessed with your energy.
I just love how Nat can make anyone who's in a bad mood instantly feel better with her vlogs 😊. I always light up when i see a notification that Nat posted😁. Lysm Nat 🥰❤❤
For sure one of your top uploads so far!
omg love these annual hauls!! nat! you should definitely do a updated apartment tour! i noticed the new set up in the living room from the podcast and this video!🤍🍂
Okay but this was one of the best videos you’ve uploaded 🤎 THE FALL VIBES ARE HEAVY and NAT UR GLOWING! ✨ Can’t wait for your holiday content 🍂🍁🎄
Omg nathaly I LOVE how you switched up the living room
I’m glad that even though the party didn’t turn out the way you wanted you got spoiled w tons of gifts you deserve💗
AHHH I LOVE ALL of ur gifts that u got!!! Im so happy for you nattt!! I can’t wait tilll I turn 21 sooon!!❤