I wish they would remove the helm breaker all together. I would rather always stay on the ground so that I can have more opportunities to trip my teammates, which in my opinion is the correct way to play longsword
Keep making the stuff you don’t like videos. There’s always going to be good stuff everyone covers anyway. Happy hunting! “Next year”
Its nice to see more people voice their concerns with the game. I'm sure part of the reason Capcom even showed us the demo gameplay so early was to see community feedback to be able to change things before its too late.
I think it’s kind of sad how the grey squirrels are taking over the red squirrels.
Here he is - Mr Abrasive at it again.
Totally agree on the tracking point. You're telling me that we have these massive locales and I'm just astutely aware of exactly where all 10 or so monsters are, as soon as I arrive? What if, initially, it show the general area of where the monster is based on previous knowledge on where they would gather? As you learn more about the monster, that circle gets smaller. I've just started World again, and today in the first hunt for Legiana, I took out my binoculars and was like "Yeah it's up at the high bit".
I am seething and crying here because our views on a video game doesn't align, I am gonna call my therapist.
I am certainly with you on the lack of a tracking system. It may have been dumb to a lot of people but Worlds tracking was a ton of fun. I enjoyed that as you tracked and fought the monster you would learn about it. Weaknesses, damage zones, locales where it would frequent. By the end we all knew there were 2/3 main spots where the monsters were and it was easy enough to spawn right next to it unless wing drakes dropped you elsewhere. If it was track and hunt a monster 10 times to just have it on the map thatd be more than enough for me.
Tracking monsters being removed is really disappointing. I expected from Capcom to double down on tracking mechanics from the World. The game is called Monster HUNTER and tracking is the big part of the hunt and should separate Monster HUNTER game from the Boss rush games.
As a Sword and Shield main, I have to ask: What is this “powerful attack commitment” you talk about?
Despite how cute the Cohoot is, its tracking ability instantly spoiling every monster's location kinda made me despise it to a degree. I used to cope and believe Wilds would be moving away from that but it looks like it was only willing to take the tiniest step away. This confirmation demolished my hopes of tracking getting fleshed out and improved as a mechanic any time soon... Still wondering what the purpose of the new paint pods is if they have nothing to do with tracking though.
SnS main here: My major concern is that SnS has lost most of its identity from every other weapon just getting way better and flashier. SnS got basically no cool new moves/finishers and some potential nerfs (can't spam perfect rush, which is a good thing but there's other nerfs too like a longer sheathe), but other weapons got way better (cancelable Helmbreaker, the Dual Blades Y+B combo is broken into segments and doesn't require commitment anymore, etc.). Even the new move we did get is really slow and clunky and feels super out of place (the one where you twirl the sword in your hands and do a standing downward stab). Low commitment and mobility is supposed to be SnS's thing but every other weapon does that now, SnS doesn't feel like the "toolbox" weapon that it used to because you can just play a different weapon, have all these QoL buffs that make the SnS's mobility and low-commital combos useless, and then if you want to use items anywhere at anytime you can just call your Seikret mid-combat at any point, not to mention if you really want a KO but you main a sharp weapon... well now you can just bring a blunt weapon too. My point is that SnS being a "toolbox" is pretty much made irrelevent with all these other tools at your disposal, and the part about it having low commital moves and good mobility also doesn't matter when Capcom also gave that to every other weapon, on top of SnS having lower damage and less cool moves than other weapons. It basically lost its identity and feels like a worse version of Rise's SnS, and even ate some nerfs, and therefore needs something to feel like it separates it from other weapons. If I personally had to change something about the current Wilds SnS, probably use the Slinger to attach onto a monster and dash towards it to stay aggressive and appeal to a sort-of hit and run and also aerial playstyle like how I do in Rise with the Wirebugs. Capcom showed they have no problem giving SnS back some aerial gameplay, so I feel like they should just go all out and give us back the scaling wirebug slash dash move. Rise's SnS felt like the most balanced iteration of the SnS that used almost every part of the kit, and it felt great. Just replace the bad Guard Slash that no one uses for the input, and then at least SnS gets to be the "aerial" gameplay weapon alongside IG (assuming IG gets to have helicopter back). The shield bash is really cool and satisfying to pull off and I think SnS mains are fine just having that be their cool anime move. But yeah, current SnS in Wilds just doesn't feel amazing, not to mention it's completely overshadowed by changes on other weapons. Honestly, if they just gave it back oils I wouldn't complain. Just something to make the weapon feel unique and exciting. Lastly, the plunging "hero" thrust you do from dismount (and from aerial) doesn't speed you up in this game when you fall, and I personally really dislike that. It was perfect in World and Rise, idk why they made it slower. It just has less umph now for no reason. Also PLEASE revert the Advancing Slash back to World's version (the animation is the same, but the distance traveled is SO SHORT for no reason. I don't get why other weapons get more mobility but SnS gets less and less).
This video didn't upset me, I'm hoping that you don't betray my trust and upset me in the future!
The casualization must continue, please do not resist. It may be a hot take but, I liked being able to get lost in ancient forest it was an adventure for me and probably won't be in wilds judging by the direction of the game so far. I am afraid game developers leave less and less room for the player to be bad at the game and figure things out.
Im also worried about paid cosmetic dlc being tiers above everything you can earn comsidering devs said look forward to extra special paid layered sets. One of the best parts of older titles were asking friends how they got their gear and going on a hunt to get it and not hearing oh it's 4.99 from the store lol.
Capcom needs to port the old games in a collection already ffs
As a hunter from the Third Fleet I think you’re 100% on the money here. I was worried that with the large influx of players from 5th Gen with no previous experience of the MH pathos, there would be complaints made to Capcom through surveys and the like about perceived “Problem Mechanics” when in reality the deliberate choices by the dev team to include features that enhance immersion at the expense of convenience (High Commitment Attacks/Scoutfly Tracking/Environmental Items-Conditions) were made to reiterate and enforce the themes and methodologies the game wants to promote. With all of the public frustrations, it seems Capcom caved in some sense to these newer fans that would have been outspokenly against the additions of these so-called “Problem Mechanics” in a sequel or future entry in the series. We saw smaller consequences of this in Rise/Sunbreak with the removal of tracking and Environmental Management (Hot/Cold Drinks as a prime example). I do hope that in the future, once the player base develops a better understanding of what MH is trying to be about, Capcom might revisit these ideas and mechanics in a way that doesn’t provoke opposition in the way that we saw with 5th Gen hunters.
I agree with your take on LS. To this very day LS is still "overloaded". Too high of a reward without very much (if any) risk.
Ill argue that sheathing the helm-breaker would be fine IF there was something like a stumble or a long fall height landing animation that still gave a punishment.