
I have an immense amount of respect for your professionalism, as a chess player, but more importantly as a streamer. It's fucking crazy how even when you play games that make you visibly not comfortable, you STILL take the time to record, explain and commentate your games ON THE SAME day.

Genuienly crazy amount of professionalism as a content creator. THIS IS WHY EVERYONE LOVES THIS GUY.


Big Black Center gets me everytime 😂


“I’m disappointed that I barely lost to Fabiano, and hopefully I do better next match.” does not sound like the guy that wants to give up despite the rhetoric going around.


3:00 "Building the BBC"




It’s almost as if hikaru’s human. Surprise surprise.


If you keep saying you're too old it'll be a self fulfilling prophecy. Look at Ronaldo going strong and dominating the Prem at 36/38. Maybe diet, exercise, or even just training chess and cutting down on online games a bit might help. Just want to see this streamer get that WC!


Hikaru never quit.  this is one of the best games ever


keep your head up hikaru


Bro thinks he's Hikaru


19:48 My king gets mated on the rim. What happened to chess man 😭💀


Thanks for the recap champ! Good luck next match🙏


Hikaru is as passive aggressive as his chess


Thanks for rhe recap. Must be so frustrating. Good luck for the rest of the tournament and fingers crossed for a win in the next match-up.


The dreaded double Question Mark with the move shaved stache


Hikaru i am such a huge fan
I know that you were not at your best on the first round of champions showdown but please do not give up and don't retire
Ups and Downs are part of life so do not take it too serious that you anounce retirement
We still want to see you as our world chess champion specially in classical
Work hard to reach 2026 candidates
We r always with you Hikaru❤
I will recomend you to focus a little more on competitive chess than streaming
We really want you to dominate in competitive chess
But please do not retire


as an 1800 rapid , I think I can take on Hikaru now


01:46 yea sure i could tell that the protected pawn was gonna be a longterm weakness indicating that Hikaru was starting to take over the game


Thank you for your game recap vs Fabiano, GMHikaru!! 👍


Why does your thumbnail look like the time when Agurin did not shave until he reached rank 1 on the leaderboard? For a second i thought you are doing the same challenge.. but in chess