
I'll shave my head bald if we hit 1 mil subs by the end of March😲


Actually the chef was going to kill him instead of kicking him out 🤓☝️


The intro🙏🏻😭💀


I love this channel


da intro is da goat💀


bro keep it up these are nice vids


ill always like dudes videos 🗣️


What about the back story of the 1990-2009 mascot


the cave diver in the intro :skull:


Disturbing backstory❌
Wholesome backstory ☑️


Chuck: "Aw man I have a bad childhood"
Also Chuck: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY *insert kid name here*"


Disturbing ❌️
Sad ✅️


Bro still doesnt have a birthday


The start😂


the intro is disturbing man


Bro have no  birthdays  how sad😢


It's not disturbing it's sad


Temu ahh mickeymouse! 💀💀🔥🔥


Bro the intro


Happy birthday chucky