
Ive been to Warsaw many times. For weeks at a time. Such a great city, friendly people. Great food! One thing i've never done is explore the suburbs, or neighbourhoods out side of central Warsaw.


Thank you,  will be traveling so to Germany this year before end of  2024 & close countries to blog... WARSAW is  interesting


Wonderful city.


somebody should definitely highlight the fact that no other City in Europe has changed as much as Warsaw during the last 3 decades. An incredible energy, a constantly changing City, in a very high tempo. I rembember Warsaw in the last 80's...another City, another world. Just a fascinating City, not comparable to any other one -also due to its tragical History what can be seen in its mix of architecture today. Unic City   Varso viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie !


I have to see Warsaw😮


Are you actually an American?!? - when you speak polish it is exceptionally good, that  makes me think you are rather a polish girl, who speaks very good english.


do you think it's a good idea to move to Warsaw as a brown person? I got a job offer in Warsaw, but I saw no one that looks like me in these videos. I think I'd be off place over there


lodz (70 miles away)  is half the price for rent/property


Never ever eat in of those "pierogi" joints... Next time try on typical Polish "bar mleczny"


hey i have a question,as someone who currently live in london does it feel cheep for me?



Is it simple for Americans to rent in Warsaw City Center? (Similar to Center City Philadelphia or Waikiki Hawaii). 



I mean I know your a full blooded Americana Polish woman and I think its wonderful to speak different languages its very cool that your religion is catholic, Love Life To The Fullest Please. Thank you as long as you speak English I can understand better, Polish language I get really lost for good so it will take a lot of PRACTICE to learn Polish language it will be a challenge learning it daily.


Most Polish dish now is... Kebob 😂


Pierogi z jagodami jemy wyłącznie ze śmietaną z cukrem!
Tak samo jak pierogi z truskawkami czy z innymi owocami.


Już tak nie chwal tej naszej Polski, bo się tu za dużo "turystów" najedzie i będziemy mieć to co w Anglii ☹️.


Hallo Können Enisch und Polnische Reiden Ich Kann nur Deutsche Rienen Und Polnische Die Videos Gut 👍


You're wrong about the quality of Vistula river's water (its colour is determined by natural sediments). It has improved greatly in recent years, and now does not render swimming dangerous in this regard anymore. So why (most) people don't swim in it in the city area? Because it's officially forbidden - the city authorities quote whirlpools and strong currents as the reason. But the truth is, they are just unwilling to invest in floating pools (like those in Helsinki, Oslo or Copenhagen, etc.). This has been discussed for years without conclusion. Perhaps the climate warming may eventually force officials to take action to let people swim in the river (as they did until the early 1970s). You have stated long gloomy winters and unstable summers as Warsaw's weather drawbacks, but increasingly frequent heatwaves should be added, as there's no escape from them in the city other than a/c malls and overcrowded outdoor swimming pools.


Hello, what do you use as camera and accessories ?


Do they know what "hello" is in Warsaw? 😂😂😂
And in New York they know what it is  " Siema ".😂


OMG you’re so beautiful