
Fortunately, all the organs required to play an organ can be found below the neck.


Organ for the WIN, definitely one of my favorite instruments.


Little funfact for music nerds: This wonderful piece is structured similar to a fugue. Reminds me of Bach in some parts


Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Mami's Theme Credens Justitiam for Organ

It's been a while since I uploaded something for Madoka, but here you go. Besides a few more classical Madoka pieces I can also upload some Jazz arrangements. So I want to ask you, whether it will be alright, if I upload these non-classical pieces as well (and I promise they won't be disgustingly synthesized, but instead consist of mostly pure instruments)


that image is very beautiful


Just take my money and play this at my wedding !


Love PMMM :) I like how, for me, this sounds a little creepy-ish, but still has a little hero feel ^-^


This gives me goosebumps just like Bach's passacaglia. Nothing can beat an organ on majesty.


This is the new theme of the Empire.






quite... unique


I wonder if I can use this music as bgm in my video...


This sounds like something I'd hear at a Roman Catholic mass 🤯