
Its performance somewhat improves when you take the HVARs on the outer pilons, then fire them off at the start of a match in Air RB. This removes the the fuel tanks, thus reducing its weight.


This plane actually surprised me how good it was as a BNZ fighter. You have pretty high top speed for a 7.7 plane, and if you are able to stay above 750-800km/h you are viritually untouchable. At those speeds you can simply outrun AND outclimb almost any other 7.7 aircraft, which is especially nice since you get the air spawn advantage. The .50 cals doesn't do a whole lot of damage, but they are very accurate, have pretty good ballistics and you get a ton of ammunition. I usually like to run the default belt as i find the API-T belt a bit too much in terms of tracers. For ground battles I usually just run the two 1000lb bombs as i don't find the HVARs that accurate or damaging. The .50 cals are good enough to take out some of the SPAA and light tanks you meet at and around 7.7.

All in all, pretty solid plane. It's a bit hard to recommend the premium one because you can find so many of them in the game, even in the chinese tech tree. At the same time, the chinese tech tree doesn't have that many premiums to begin with, so you don't have that many choices. If you are looking for a premium to grind the chinese air tech tree, i would rather recommend the A-5C or the J-7D as they are better planes in their own rights, and they are both at a higher rank which means you can grind the tech tree further.


Reward wise this BP season is the most disappointing one ever...
But no one is rly talking about it. Where is the outrage? :o


This plane is goated in ARB


wanna get this on sale as it would go nice with my 7.7 lineup and up. Played the chinese tree without any Planes until the Chinese P-51 came out and that thing has helped a bit but over 5.0 it won't do well and this would do well to help out with it.


I'm the 3rd guy here. Nice


I just don’t think it’s worth it because of the countless of other rank V premiums that are so much better at the same br, F-89, Su-11, G 91, etc, it’s just not worth it as a rank V grinder when the same planes are in the tech trees.


a5c isnt on sale anymore


30 seconds, no views. Bro fell off 😭