That hug that Leo gave Guga @ 6:36 was so cute and made me wanna taste that jalepeno popper only the few best bites in the world make you instantly wanna hug the chef lol
Bragg's is pretty fire, it's not soy sauce but it's a close cousin that's good if you want to avoid adding too much Asian flare to your dish, if that's ever a problem
Hey Guga, in Germany there is a liquid sauce, called Maggi Würze, that we use for everything, most often for Soup, Eggs or just to give food an extra salty taste, personally i used it in a combound butter on some steaks, and it was so dang good, i think you are really gonna like it
Very cool. Been using liquid animo's since I was a kid. They are tasty and healthy. Never thought about marinading a steak in it. Great idea.
Glutamate is an amino acid, so it's no surprise liquid aminos work It's biochemistry baby
You should try coconut aminos.
You should invite Max Miller to do a collab and marinate a steak in his homemade garum.
The side dish is very similar to a "Texas Twinkie". Scooped out jalapeños stuffed with cream cheese and brisket. Then wrapped in bacon! 🤤
Seeing Leo on the left o screen, and Angel on the right is causing a ripple effect throughout the space-time continuum. 😱
when you try attacking guga and he yeets a grenade at you, but you end up eating it
Show up for the steaks, stay for the sides.
There is a sauce called "Mushroom ketchup" which is really good with stake. You can make your own or buy it but is delicious.
I’m allergic to soy. Using coconut aminos as a substitute helped me so much with different recipes
Didn't you use to put the recipes in the video description for the side dishes? I miss that a lot. It's really helpful
Guga where are the eye of round buttermilk tenderizing and wey age videos? Another question: may I use ground lamb or pork in the stuffed AND wrapped jalepños?
Guga: "With my vegan MSG, how about a vegetable wrapped in meats." I love you Guga lol
0:28 Guga, i love seeing you making video with sous vide steaks. It really awesome. I have some request for you. This dish is from my region indonesia. Can you make beef rendang with sous vide method and without it? I want to see which one is better. You can do the research for the recipe from video you did with joshua and uncle roger previously. I SERIOUSLY WAITING FOR IT😊😊
Sous vide a whole turkey for Thanksgiving please.
I use aminos for brining pork chops or loin. Diluted with half water, add spices like rosemary garlic and chopped jalapenos. Always a winner.