Thanks Deborah for another great reading. My Uncle is one of my guides and I believe he is the teacher card you selected. The first card reminded me of my great, great, great grandmother Margaret I think who was an incredible force in the family and a remarkable woman. I was astounded when you lifted the Tune in and Connect card because I have met this man in my mind during a local Winter Solstice gathering. He is a spirit guardian from one of the Glasshouse mountains in the area. I had been travelling to the top of this volcanic plug mountain in my astral travels at night, and sitting and looking out at the moon bathed coastal region, beautiful. This night of the solstice during a guided meditation, I was again on the mountain in my mind when I turned and saw him standing there as the guardian of this sacred place. Previously I had at first asked the mountain if I may visit and sit up there but had never seen the guardian before. I stood and faced him with feelings of honour toward him, then he took his spear and made a small piercing in my upper right arm. Then amazingly he did the same to himself and then brought his wound into contact with mine. Incredibly he had bonded us together in some way. I felt accepted in this place. Then of course I doubted myself and worried that I had created my own storyline. But seeing that card today in your reading really made it all the more authentic. I had visited him a few times since then and sat by his campfire. I believe he has chosen to be my guide. Amazing! I do have another aboriginal guide that I have had for about four years, who is like a mother or grandmother wise woman. I visit her at the Everglades here in Noosa in my meditations and sometimes enter the river there and become a fish to swim with the shoal. It really is so restful and very distressing. Sometimes we cook bushtucker and eat, or she’ll draw in the sand. My spirit bird kookaburra will come and gift me a little silver fish that I place in my heart. I have recently discovered that that is way kookaburra’s woo their mates, which was complete news to me. I have always felt very attached to this region although I didn’t grow up here, and feel strongly that I was an aboriginal woman in a past life here. Interestingly I have no aboriginal blood in my family in this life. Anyway, thanks again for showing me that this wonderful guardian man has chosen to be my guide. I am so honoured to have both sacred masculine earth and sacred feminine water for my guides. Being a Pisces with Taurus rising makes this all feel very sychronistic. Fascinating stuff🙂💖Sorry for the great long story…🙃Clarex
I have been going through a major life change and your messages have gotten me through each day with joy and strength!! You are a blessing! ❤
Hope you are feeling better your beautiful inside and out God Bless
Yup, born on day 19th (Sep, the forever hermit) and am very independent, almost to my own detriment, but cannot be any other way. Have had to take care of myself all my life. Have doubted myself a lot but am actually starting a new chapter next week. Mature student. Went out dancing twice last week and I loved it. Went all retro with some banging rave music. It really made me feel so happy and evoked some really good memories, a blast from the past. Most of the peeps there could have been my kids but I did not care, it was just such great fun. Can relate to the Bear, my nanna, she was a tough cookie and never gave up. Thank you yet again for another great reading. x
I love Hawaii, and I need to move more. 🙂
Have to add. My mother was so strong. She stood up for all. And the men in family hated it. Embarrassing it was for our family but I learned how amazing she really is. Love you , Mom. Be w me at my art show. (Thanks again❤)
3 minutes in and so many synchronicites. I hope to share in the energy of a live event soon! 🙏
Wow, this is my whole reading. So powerful, Deborah. Thank you so much. Thank you to our wairua teams, so on point 👉...I saw my whanau passed on loved ones. Yes, I'm learning to allow & be okay to let things go... Thank you 🎉😊
I missed you live but thank you for this. I looked after my mum for 12 years and she passed on over a month ago. Im feeling a little lost at the moment so i needed this. xx
Perhaps the best tribute to South Africa I have yet heard, dear Deborah, and I love how you ended this way after beginning with your Mom's visit. As an American, one of my heroines was Charlayne Hunter-Gault, and when she joyously moved to S.A., I felt that all was right with our world. It had been on my radar and in my heart for many years, and so for her to respond to Mandela's triumph, which was the world's triumph essentially, as you say, with our "intermingling", then we are surely expanding as expected. And you yourself are a sweetie, a very talented one, whose readings I look forward to. It appears it was a plan to have you there at this time, and spirit just confirmed that, how your family's migration was intentional for your lifetime and those of your children, etc. Wonderful! I came back to savor this a second time, for the ancestors have been vocal. Lots of LOVE and blessings of gratitude to you and for you. xoxOxox
Hah! Yesterday so nervous and today too. Have an art show tomorrow and feel all lives I’ve had this skill never succeeded. So nervous, I decided to nap. My door blew open at 3:33, then sleeping last night was waken, looked at clock , 3:33. Think they’re telling something 😀finish your art and show off a little Love your messages ❤
Hi Debra I’m a regular from Cape Town love watching you. You are looking amazing! As a fellow South African I would say you are a South African but, you could have moved from Zimbabwe to South Africa when you were fairly young. So many in the world think that only a certain race group hail from Africa but, many mlungu a Isizulu or Nguni word for a European or person of European descent has been here for generations! We are African too! Thank you for another great reading!
I just lost my fur baby on 29 July. I just lost my mother on 12 August this month. On Monday I just lay her to rest day before yesterday on Thursday. This is crazy that this message is coming up. Thanks so much! 🌟♥️♥️♥️♥️🌟
I have to say the most important passed on loved ones are my fur babies. And I am so fortunate because my current fur babies can see them even if I can't. They sit in front of the couch and look at the spot where my beautiful girl used to chill, like they are listening to her. They look at the spot where my boy used to chill on the rug and watch him walk down the hallway. My youngest girl plays with him. I wish everyone could see it. It is wonderful to watch 🥰
That Council of Monarchs has been coming through quite a lot lately
Love your readings thank you😊😊
❤just wanted to say that you looks gorgeous today. The chocolate and blue is so divine 🤩
I tried to catch you live, but I'm 111 minutes late! :) I guess I'm right on time!
“Do it and do it now “ is my motto. Maybe it is my parents watching me. They did not acknowledge my “drive” in person, but maybe they know I am driven to achieve….