Well said as always🙏when there is no impartiality, there is no fear of death because death should not be less desirable. All fears and psychological issues originate from the fear of death.
Nature doesn't hurry, yet everything is accomplished. Thank you both, namaste.
Very helpful chapter to dive into at this time in my life. You guys are so appreciated! 💓☯👍
greetings from Chattanooga, Tennessee. thank you for sharing and your time.
Woke up this morning, saw your post, made a cup of English breakfast tea with butter, set outside on my patio drinking tea and listening to this lesson enjoying the connection with nature and learning about the Dao De Jing!Thank you both 🙏😊
Love y’all thank you for all you do ❤
Thank you for the enlightening words. Good start to my Sunday morning
Namaste, the discussion has been immensely informative. I have acquired substantial knowledge from your videos am thankful for your efforts. Om Namah Shivaya!
Beautiful content as always. 🎉Thank you guys for explaining Daos wisdom 🙏
Very inspiring video. Thank you.
Your Tao video are my favorite. Thank you.
I recently lost my dog of 15 years. The Universe granted her to life expectancy. I can accpet her leaving however my condo is so empty. I thoroughly enjoyed this topic of discussion. I LOVE both of your knowledge on the Divine.
❤❤❤ I am reminded of the A.A.'s mantra "Lord, help me to change the things I can change, to accept what can't be changed, and the wisdom to know the difference".
I just found your channel snd started here… looks like i should go to #1. New to daoism. Fascinated
Excellent training and obviously you folks have a very good understanding of this. I always try to remind myself that I am not upset at what has happened, is happening, or may happen, I am upset about what I tell myself about these things.
It is hard to live in fear when you know that you are the act and the actor. In life, no one suffers. All is One. 🎉
Yes this is so true.
Beautiful, so magical. We are Nature, Nature is a multidimentional Weaver of Veils. From the Quantum Tao field, it's Wuji . Nature waves the Periodic table, like swift flying in the sunset sky. Birthing and Osvillating out of their Relativity ❤❤