
This channel is so underrated. Young players could learn a ton from watching these videos.


this is literally the best channel on learning how to play efficient basketball. better than all the hooper trainer channels


I just want to complement and appreciate how good and convenient the editing and format of your videos. Videos has a clear format that is easy to follow even without sounds and edited to the point that you can slow down the speed to 0.25x to learn from each move in more detail without having to fast forward to the next move. Great stuff man. Thanks a lot.


This video is a CLINIC. The comments and the many repetitions--perfect. Playground player here, but I can't wait to give some of these techniques a go. I had it wrong. Thought finishing was about avoiding contact at all costs. Nope! Thank you.


This is an old video and you might not see this but if anyone were to ask me who my coach is, I’d have to say ‘Coach Frikki’. The way you breakdown these tools and techniques in these videos is so perfect. 

I’ve become a better player just by watching 3-4 of the videos you’ve uploaded. Thanks again for all your assistance 🙏🏾


I like how you don’t only use NBA footage but other basketball footage involving younger players, this helps a lot. 👍🏾


A good finishing tip is that when you are driving through the basket, put the arm the side the defense is on in a sort of L shape. This creates contact, and you can eventually shoulder them off you in the paint for the easy bucket. I'm a guard and have to use this a lot, but any position can do this ( obviously ).


I'm 15 and coach frikkis vids saved me.  I couldn't finish, play defense, or anything.  He helped me.


The way you structured this video was perfect. In order of situation! Thank you. 🙌🏾🏀🙂


When I need help, I look everywhere and am not satisfied. Then I see your videos in recommendations, and I am like, "shoot, why didn't i think of him"
You are really helpful man.


This must have taken forever to make, loved the video with great in game examples


Y'all gotta subscribe to this channel. Helpful AF for hoopers out there.


Best basketball move breakdown channel on YouTube.


your attention to detail is marvelous please continue to do this


i love this channel breaks down angles and always gives why its beneficial or why its not. Thanks coach Frikki. Straight up!


Brother always be comin through 💯


This channel is goated but underrated, ive learned alot from these videos and dont stop making them


Most underrated chanel on yt. Great content as always


Propably the best channel out there


Honestly this Channel make my game vision more wider