
As an African American Classical music collector,listener traveler for 50 years I must say there is some very fine music being played here.Thankyou Chet.


I must have heard close to 20 different versions of Estate over the years, both vocal and instrumental. For me, this tops them all. Stunning.


Mamma mia...brividi, grazie Chet, che Dio ti benedica.


The most gentle trumpet tone and mood , here with a never -ending passion like no other player? Like gentle soft kissing! !


Chet had a very subtle and understated approach to improvisation. The melody is always there in his solos.


On ne se lasse pas d'écouter et de réécouter cette magnifique version. Ce soir-là, Chet et Michel étaient vraiment très inspirés. Quelle poésie ! Merci.


Wonderfully dreamy.  Chet where are you?  I miss you


credo che di musicisti
 come Chet Baker 
ne siano esistiti veramente 


Questo si ,è un grande musicista nonché grande trombettista,poche note pesate ma geniali come solo i grandi geni sanno fare mi viene da piangere.la sua arte è irraggiungibile ed incommensurabile.questo è  il vero jazz


I love "Estate" the Bruno Martino master piece that many musicians love to perform.  He was a multi-talented Italian composer, singer, and pianist.  This is one of his more famous compositions by the late great CHET BAKER.   "Estaté" was set to lyrics by a couple of people, and some of my favorite artists have an instrumental as well as vocal recording of this gorgeous song.  "Estaté" means "summer" in Italian, just lovely!
SHIRLEY HORN has a beautiful cover, the lyrics she sings:
Estaté -- You bath me in the glow of your caresses
You've turned my eager no to tender yeses
You sweep away my sorrow with your sigh
Estaté -- Oh how the golden sunlight bends the willow
Your blossoms send the perfume to my pillow
Oh who could know you half as well as I
I always feel you near me
In every song the morning breeze composes
All the tender wonder of the roses
Each time the setting sun shines on the sea
And when you sleep beneath a snowy cover
I'll keep you in my heart just like a lover
And wait until you come again to me - Estaté


Uno de mis grandes descubrimientos. No escucho mucho jazz, pero cuando escuché a Chet Baker me llegó. Ahora lo escucho con regularidad, no me gusta oírlo cantar, sólo tocando la trompeta. Es muy especial.


Without doubt that music is coming from inside his heart and soul and by passing his head completely.....Thank goodness! Pure feeling. 😍 His solos are perfection just the right timing, phrasing and note choice. Pure genius.


Live from the Moonlight is one of my  favorite albums of Chet . It's hard to describe so intimate atmosphere.Thanks to Paolo Piangiarelli for this immense gift!


Музыка Чёт Беккера обворожительна. А эту композицию слышу впервые. Thanks!!


I bought this CD like 30 years ago from Italy.expensive but well worth it.RIP CHET.🤗👍


Maravillosa interpretación. Nunca me canso de oírla. Delicada, intimista y relajante escucharla


Ed ecco che Chet "king" Baker ci accompagna in un viaggio fatto di suoni, di lunghe note espressive. Sembra di ascoltare i colori di un tramonto estivo, seduti in silenzio in riva al mare assorti nei nostri più intimi ricordi. La partenza per quel viaggio che vorremmo non finisse mai.


I didn't realize he was this good. A new happy fan.


Meravigliose frequenze che riportano in zone del cuore, le più care . Chet the best!


Cuando estoy triste tengo la mania de escuchar a Chet Baker, y lo unico que consigo es ponerme más melancólico) pero sin tristeza, con gusto y alegria.  Es inovidable, y no ha escuchado nada que se acerque a su estilo. Gracias Chet 2.020 (Confinados por el COVID-19)