Master one language, and you'll realize that all programming languages are virtually the same.


2:21 I started with with C++ and it's not that bad. People think it's bad for begginers because of "using namespace ..." , macros and pointers, but I believe it makes you more powerful.


What is your favorite programming language? 👇


Man you hit the nail on the head with C++ being taught in intro programming classes. I saw so many classmates drop the CS entirely, or get turned off from diving any deeper into programming because we all got the harshest introduction to programming with C++ at a crazy fast pace. I took a break after my first CS semester and attended a coding boot camp and learned JS and Ruby and had a much better time, it was still challenging but it was doable. Shortly after I got my first developer job, with just one failed CS semester in the books and my coding boot camp that ironically promoted a better learning environment.


Python and SQL are definitely great choices to pick due to the market demand you mentioned. If you have both of those, couple it with whatever business-domain industry knowledge you have (tech/startup, finance, healthcare, etc.), you'll have access to a lot of opportunities within that industry and generally throughout. Personally, my goal after learning data engineering skills is to delve into some backend, really round out my behind-the-scenes toolkit and have access to an even wider variety of jobs.


I have coded for 5 years in most of these languages, and honestly, I can't write from scratch in any of them without using google to refresh myself on the syntax after a few months not using them.


Languagues to Avoid in the Begining
C++ and C

Best 6 Languages for beginners
1- JavaScript
2- Python
3- C#
4- Java
5- Swift
6- SQL
Thanks me later.


C++ was the main programming language for me in college (graduted in 2008) for developing games so I was definitely laughing in the beginning.  And that was also before they added in garbage collection into the language. I personally didn't find it that hard but some people couldn't write a program without leaking memory. 

Sometimes I find the levels of abstraction and lack of control in some languages disturbing. Like most recently I have been programming in JavaScript and the lack of defined types throws mental console warnings. 😅 

edit: I had paused prior to 3:33 to write the first comment 🤣


I followed the pattern Python -> C -> C++ and it worked quite well for me. I'm still practising C/C++ though and the syntax can be jarring at times, but never enough to put me off.

Planning to learn JS after I become good at C++.


Great content and explanations. For my CS program we used C freshman year, C/C++ sophomore/junior/senior year and C# senior year. I agree with your assessment of C# vs Java. I don't regret starting out with C/C++ but it was rough and 2/3 of my CS class was weeded out by end of sophomore year. I appreciate C/C++ because it helps you program with the perspective of the machine in mind.


Funny thing C++ was the first language I learned a little bit of back in highschool. I wrote a couple simple command line tools and then decided to learn Python, which was so much easier to learn.

I don't remember writing anything in particular in Python back then, but recently-ish I wrote a program that converts joystick events to MIDI so I can play music with a controller, a very basic tool to strip the metadata off of ANSI art files so they can be recognized by a program that otherwise fails to, and a tool that enciphers text using a variant of the keyed Vigenère cipher created by myself.

That last one I made after enciphering a message by hand (which is obviously how Vigenère ciphers are meant to be used), but I wanted to be absolutely sure I did it correctly and since the cipher was one I invented, there was no available tool I could have used. Turns out in the roughly 200 letters long message I had made exactly one mistake doing it by hand, so of course writing that program was worth it 😆


C++ was my first language so learning the rest was actually a breeze! Great language to start off on.


C++ was my first language in college and yeah, it was a huge pain, while I got it and passed the class, which led me into a VB class, it was still difficult enough I moved into the System Administrator career path.


PKing: "HTML and CSS is a programming language"
Me: "wait that's illegal"


I've started to learn programming at college with C, it is a good starting point if your aiming to learn algorithms. When I was trying to develop larger and more complex systems i felt the weight of the lack of OOP. C++ reeally opened my mind about designing systems, and althout it has a lot of features that can make the programmer suffer, it is great. But now, working in corporate software development with C#, I get lazy to write c++ code for my personal projects.

PS: Modern C++, using STD data structures without pointers it's a lot nicer.


Love your videos man, tks for it ! im a beeginer at languages and started with HTML and CSS, but i'll follow your directions


Even though what you said about C++ is right, I still disagree with you that people should avoid C++ as their beginning language. There are also reasons why universities keep teaching C++ as starting language, and I think one of them is that their students can learn nearly every other programming languages by themselves after having a start with C++. For example, in my university, C++ is the first, and in some cases, the only programming language that is taught to students.  C++ gives me almost every concepts that exist in other programming languages, so I can start coding in other languages so quickly. I started coding Python after watching a few videos on Youtube, jumped straight into a web project just after a few days reading materials and watching tutorials about Javascript, and I felt really confident to do so. I don't think I would have the same experiences if I learned Python or Javascript as my beginning languages.


I’ve been a full stack developer since I graduated from college so I’m familiar with a good number of popular languages. However, I am sort of in a transition phase in my career as one company is presenting the idea of moving away from C#. I’m glad that I came across this video. It really helped affirm my decision to not deviate too far from what I know (for now).


Your perfectly synchronized subtitle and captions will attract many audiences. I don’t know, but having subtitles in a video is a green flag for me. So, HERE B4 1 MILLION SUBS! 😂


Greetings from Seattle. I agree with everything you said 100%. We must have similar paths. Til this day, I am thankful I started with Java as my main. Although, they say Kotlin may be replacing it.