Your video's have inspired me to go out and do this on my own. You've also taught me to respect the wildlife and area around me. So I always take whatever trash I can find and always respect the fish I catch. Thank you so much for being you.
Just by watching his videos, I have started going back out in the mountains and fishing and hunting like i used to. Lost track of my hobbies through depression and life falling apart...this chanel and these videos are my happy place. Thanks for what you do, your motivating others to get in the woods. Amazing.
You have one of the best channels in my opinion I love watching your videos! Inspired me to try to make some videos of my own. But a lot harder then it looks. Keep up the great vidoes!
Welcome back Leif! From getting snagged, to immediately eating blueberries then climbing a tree, to save your fly. That is true dedication! Can't wait to see the house updates!
thank you so much! I am only 14 but I already am planning my life of mountain fishing and living wild! Thank you so much for being my favorite youtuber!
I wish you would post once a week. Youβre videos are so soothing, and enjoyable to watch. I canβt explain how happy my wife and I get when you post π
I've lived in Florida my whole life and don't get me wrong, the fishing is incredible... The bass are huge and there's an absolute abundance of species to go for on any given day but THIS... This is badass. This is exactly what I thought fishing was supposed to be like when I was a kid. Out in nature... In the woods... Not behind people's houses in gated communities. Love the video man I needed this.
I love his laugh when he catches a fish, so contagious
Coment constantly on this channel and all i read is people who are so thankful and it warms my heart man! You do a great thing!
Fishing with a fly rod is so much fun.
Lol this guy is hilarious, no one fly fishes like that πππ
You always have the best experience of hiking, camping and fishing in a beautiful area. I wish I lived nearby. Thanks for sharing.
There are only a few things I look forward to every week....... these videos are one of them!
Hey man. Been having a really tough time lately with anxiety and watching your videos really helps take my mind off things. I even got back into fishing and it's been a great distraction. Keep it up, I really appreciate what you do
I just found your channel. I really like it. You do a good job after several episodes.Subscribing as i speak.
Hey for those tough casting situations like that, look up the Bow and Arrow cast. It has always been very effective for me in tight quarters!! Tight lines everyone.
Mountain monsters indeed, that lake is a gold mine. Nice job of dancing across the rocks and not going in to the drink also. π and thank you
WOW perfect timing bro, I was just about to go re-watch some older episodes and you dropped a new one like it was hot! Thanks man!
this dude brightens my day with these uploads