
God bless you and Parker for the way you take care of your dog...


Kyro is literally the best dog ever, no complaints, just happy to be part of the fun!


7:50  kyro brings me so much joy, he looks soooo comfy. love these videos


Between your smile Madison and Kyro living his best life, these are the warmest videos to watch despite the Canadian winter conditions


Thanks so much for sharing the limitations of winter camping and still able to smile and laugh.  WOW your VERY TALENTED




Absolutely love your energy โค and Kiro ๐Ÿ˜Š


Aah Kyro! He loves these outings ๐Ÿ˜Š heโ€™s tired and enjoyed that warm stove and bed you made for him. Thanks for taking such great care of him, and for sharing these lovely outings with us! ๐Ÿ™


You need to get screw pegs to peg your tent on the ice.  You can get the ones that are made for ice fishing tent shelters.


Loved this one as I sit here in the hot Australian summer.


You burned somebody's tipi poles lmao๐Ÿ˜‚


I loved the video! That weather was hard core!


Favourite video yet on this channel!


Your videos keep getting more and more adventurous, I watched this one with a legit feeling of anxiety the entire time. Be safe! Love from Australia where itโ€™s a much more comfortable 30 degrees celcius ๐Ÿ˜‚


That made me cold watching it haha. Canโ€™t wait for Kyros commentary for this trip lol ๐Ÿ˜…


I love that she loves the doggy soo much. He is the star of the show.  ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘


Great video, and good idea in mixing the wood. I always look forward to watching your adventures.


Another way to keep your water from freezing in the Nalgene bottles is to make a small mound of snow and bury the bottle upside down. Snow makes a great insulator and will keep the water from freezing. I have used this method and it really does work.


I want to thank you for your honesty. I saw this yesterday after a failed night of camping and your video made me feel better, it doesnโ€™t always go how we plan and isnโ€™t always a ton of fun. At least we try and learn from it โค Happy camping!


Only been ice-fishing once, with a guy who knew what he was about.  One of the things he did was bore a hole, see if he got any bites, and go somewhere else and drill another hole, to see if he got any bites.  He would have 4 or 5 holes drilled, before he decided where to settle in.

That thought occurred to me when you started setting up your tent before getting your line wet.  

You see a lot of 4-season/4th-season tents, but almost no one demonstrates the ice-fishing shelters, unless they're ice-fishing.  It seems like they're pretty bulletproof, and would work for any winter camping scenario, if you're dragging a sled or setting up next to a vehicle.