"I'm learning guitar. Do you play something, too?"
"I play a church."


What I actually find really impressive is the fact that despite the massive size of the organ, there's little to no lag or delay between the key press and the actual sound, quite the engineering state of the art right there


Looks like a beginner friendly musical instrument.


this level of multitasking... i can barely focus on a movie when I'm eating chips


Imagine an alien archaeologist trying to deduce human anatomy from the controls of this organ.  "Well, as near as we can figure it, they must have had 12 arms (two of them quite long), six legs, and at least three brains."


I can only imagine how incredible it would be to hear this in person


I mean....yeah Sounds cool and all....but i want to hear that live, feeling that going through your whole body


Imagine the cat walking across this beast in the middle of the night. You'd think the whole world was ending.


"Do you play in an orchestra?" "I AM THE ORCHESTRA."


“I play an orchestra.”
“Don’t you mean you play in an orchestra?”
“No I play an orchestra..”


Imagine duel of the fates in that hall with that organ


A British organist playing a song composed by a Norwegian, on a German organ located in Hungary.
I gotta love Europe!


Teacher : bring your instrument
This guy : you are already in it


I don't think my $20 headphones do that any justice.


The low notes an organ can achieve will never fail to leave me stunned


That looks like it should be firing broadsides instead of playing music. Wonderful piece.


It would be horrible, as a musician, to become accustomed to the incredible aural delicacies of this pipe organ - and then have to play an normal, humble organ again.


My favorite thing about pipe organs of this scale is that, you aren't playing a simple organ, you are playing an instrument that's larger than most people's houses! Pipe organs sound huge because the chamber they are in is part of the instrument too. You are surrounded by its sound and it wouldn't sound the same if it was out in the open. Such a cool instrument and has a sound like no other!


The Mountain King would be proud.


As a norwegian,this video makes me proud beyond belief. Grieg was an amazing composer. And he captured Norway in music better than anyone.