"One beer for me please" he says A Tachyon walks into a bar
What this video taught me is that speeding makes you live longer
"shaping the future is much easier than changing the past " is kind of motivational
Im a schizophrenic. I do doordash for extra money. One order at night, i arrived and walked to the door, placed his food down and took a picture. I got in my car and drove away. 30 minutes later he called and asked where his food was, i totally remember taking the picture at his doorstep. So he took it up with Doordash. An order later, i opened my back door and.. saw his order. I was so confused why it was there. I remembered everything about going there and taking the picture. Appearantly i hallucinated the whole delivery. I was there, but must of never left the car. What was i doing then?? Staring blankly at the windshield? He said I was never even on his camera.. I called him and apologized but he already got his refund. I felt so terrible. Im on medication and nothing works. It just goes to show how easily some misfirings in the brain can completely alter your sense of reality.
Everyone commenting on this video already must have time travelled to finish it.
Excellent video. Will have to watch it again yesterday, since I've already seen it tomorrow.
The message saying "Run" to the twins from before is gold ðŸ˜
Kurgesagt: Yes Someone: Can you travel through time?
The professors getting mad and breaking a ruler was so good. Made me smile.
"We're twins!" "Really? You guys don't look the same age." "It's complicated."
"You can get as close as you like, but you can never reach it" has the same vibes as "You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave"
8:12 this part made me realise that in a few 100 or 1000 years we will be locked away to never see again if we don’t find a way to time travel
As a physicist, I appreciate that the idea that this is an oversimplification is being made clear to avoid the maths. That said, I do have to make one "um acktchually". 5:54 Moving faster than light doesn't NECESSARILY mean you're moving back in time. What it does mean is that you're moving forwards in time in some reference frames, backwards in time in others, and are "stationary in time" in yet others. It's exactly the same as how moving slower than light means you can be moving forwards (in space) in some reference frames, backwards in others, and are stationary in space in yet others.
1:02 "Keep in mind that we're simplifying and lying a little". I like that confidence.
0:01 "You're going through time 1 second, every second." "Every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes."
3:39 "when the rocket finally gets home, their no longer the same age. And the younger space twin is ready to start years or therapy for being abducted by theoretical physicists." That is just pure gold.
1:30 I had this concept of moving slower through time and faster through space explained to me multiple times in physics and this explanation just made way more sense than anyone else’s.
"Your speed is constant. So the faster you move thtough the space dimensions, the slower you mpve through the time dimension, and vice versa." Thats a very good descriptionnof time and space dilation!
"Yes I am." "Are you a time traveler?"