Great upload. Thanks for make it happen
What a band and Chet in his prime imho. Pure Music
Chet Baker's celebrated performance in Tokyo, aka "Chet Baker in Tokyo", was recorded on June 14, 1987 in Hitomi Memorial Hall, Showa Women's University, Tokyo, Japan. The musicians: Chet Baker (trumpet, vocals), Harold Danko (piano), Hein van de Geijn (bass), and John Engels (drums). A year later, May 13, 1988, Baker was found dead on the street below his room in Hotel Prins Hendrik, Amsterdam.
grandissimo Chet ma altrettanto spettacolare Harold ho ascoltato tantissimo questo brano e mi emoziono sempre.
Is that a JojO rEfeReNCE? Love chet baker.
Hi, are "FOUR " and "Memories of Tokyo" two different LP's with different songs or do they overlap?