Hi Zoe. Please cover research about auto immune conditions?
Great job! This video is really helpful and informative. Your clear and engaging presentation made it very interesting for me. I'm sure I will apply the knowledge you've shared into my daily life. Thank you for your effort in creating such quality content! I’m looking forward to your next videos!
I would love to see a video on the facial microbiome. I’m recently diagnosed with Rosacea, and struggling to find holistic treatments. I’m 99% plant based, low processed foods. I drink very little alcohol. I do eat fish@ 2 times a month. I can’t afford tons of supplements, so I work at diversity of plants and take a B12 supplement. There is so much conflicting info on Rosacea. It affects so many people, please address this topic! Thanks.
Many people have no idea how important this information is. Thanks for sharing. 🙂✌🏽
Yes, a topic that i would love to be covered is a problem that has been lifelong for me. So i was born via caesarian section and my Mom didn't breastfeed me. That was due to tye hospital not bringing me to be nursed as they fed me apparently to there procedures at thst time. The year 1958 i was born. Nursing was being discouraged at that time. So i have had lifelong mental and physical health challenges that have been most overwhelming. I have always wondered if there was anyrhing that could help me have a better life outcome. Insteadd of just throwing antidepressants at me and so on. I have never found any Doctors or even friends .or family who believe or understand bmy health challenges. I would be so happy and appreciative of any science hased information on this or really anything that i could do to have better life functioning!!! Thank-you so much in advance!!
It definitely will take time, but it's so worth it! I've actually found and added an amazing panented blend of probiotics prebiotics and phytobiotics to my diet to help support the gut microbiome. It's really been a game changer for my menstrual cycle!
Can I ask why you are only offering one microbiome test when you join Zoe? I would be interested to take part if I can see what improvements I can achieve during the time I’m doing it. It would be a great motivation. As you only get one test included, I’ve been hesitant to join so far.
Something I've noticed recently, or maybe I've become more atuned, the growing interest in our gut microbes and the desire to learn more. I seem to have become something of a self-appointed gut microbe Ambassador whilst at the same time, learning more about the topic myself.
Tim's last comment "floating in the dark" sums it up pretty much.
Thxs for the vid!
Is Zoe testing ever coming to Australia?
What are the effects of taking PPIs on the gut biome?
What effect does the prep for a colonoscopy have on the microbiome?
It's a shame that Prof Spector can't get the message across to his medical peers then, because very few medical professionals will accept that the diet has any role in health or healing, other than in a most simplistic way. And until relatively recently, Prof Spector too would have gone along with his colleagues. He is a recent convert.
There has never been anything as complex as a human being: genetics, lifestyle, core beliefs, recent experiences, micro biome, disease history, upbringing, education, diet… phew!
What about people who have had a hemicolectomy (half the colon removed due to cancer or other bowel disease) or all the bowel removed?
Amazing ❤
What does it cost to have the gut misrobiome tested?
It is a pity Microbiome Tests are so prohibitively costly I have done mine twice pre COVID years.