The zombie unicorn can be Luffy’s emergency food😅
Keep it up on your work and this video and channel I love this video and channel Thanks you for your video and channel I love one piece all franchise
Thumbnail is crazy
forgot carrot
no gimon wasn’t, in the pictures shown, you can literally see both Nami and Usopp who both were asked to join the crew then
In the live action there was the news seagull that was pre-zero!
Cannon fighter or meat shield that’s what I use the zombies for
I was hoping he invited Carrots to join his crew since she a strong fighter and friend
He should invite Vega punk, Lilith next
sacraficial lamb role for the zombies
brook asked to join the second time
The order of all of this is inaccurate. This is still a well-made video, despite the many flaws that it has.
That thumbnail is illegal
Next Crew mate should be loki
Forgot Robin 😂
Buddy got mostly everything wrong
Bonny carrot n bonclay
Nico Robin ?