
He didn't activated it just happened if he activated it he wouldn't be confused the first time it happened against queen


Actually I just Googled it and look through the images and apparently his eyebrows change randomly for some reason throughout the entire show


For those who dont know:
Indoskeletons are whats inside the body, exoskeletons are outside.


Animator who made a mistake: pff yeah sure, that’s what it means.


I’m pretty sure the animators are just tired of drawing his eyebrows , oda himself said in an sbs forever ago he hated drawing them after while


It actually looked like that pre time skip but after they met up again his eyebrows changed to how they are currently


He's called modified human and entire body is modified lol
He's body jus took longer to adapt and evolve unlike his siblings


When his conquerors hakim kicks in we'll see both eyebrows


the power to change the from 2.9k likes to 3k likes


That's something i noticed way before timeskip after all those years of watching one piece. I still didn't know where his eyebrow spirals were. Then i compared post and pre timeskip the difference was there. But now he's changing arc to arc


at which point, he doesn't even need the suit anymore. even though it gave him invis without needing to move at super speeds which he has now. i bet he regrets destroying the suit.


Actually its endoskeleton enchancement since he does not have external skeleton


Toei really hates sanji


His eyebrows have nothing to do with it there just to signify his mood


At least check his eyebrows in the first scene you presented yourself before making it all up LMAO


Sanji only shows his left left eye.. Zoro only show his right.. 👀


I got really confused and thought he meant the streamer Jerma


When he activated excaskeleton his eyebrows formed 66 bcz he was expirimented  in germa 66 

Its just my theory


His eyebrows changed after the two year gap


oda: so the eyebrows was the idea? i would reveal later that its due to the animation errors 🤭🤭🤭