Here is the moral of the story: “False accusations can ruin lives just as much as real crimes. Always seek the truth before condemning someone, and never exploit serious allegations for personal gain.”
Mfs are always like “oh this person made a slightly offensive joke when they were 5” then proceed to do something which most likely, are worse then half the actions they either didn’t do or did a decade ago, it’s kinda pathetic😭
roblox community gotta chill out with the doxxing shit 😭
"BOY can't wait to play forsaken!" Devious Google docs being released on John doe day full of misinformation and ruins the whole game and most likely ending all of forsaken:
fr before it was "innocent until proven guilty" but now it be like "guilty until proven innocent" 😭
Please share this video because the injustice that Soul has faced is horrible.
imagine having to swat someone, dox them, make false accusations that they love minors just for your own entertainment, how desperate you gotta be bruh 😭🙏
I was in the stream, the call on discord. Souls voice was absolutely shaking and it was so hard to watch and listen to them breaking down. I don’t understand how people cannot feel guilty. She’s done nothing but grow, and if she was a bad person in the past then they grew from it. They have donated to charities, they’ve made efforts to make their discord and game safe for people. Especially since they were in a situation where they were groomed into that. I feel so bad for her because she was forced to come out with a story they never wanted public or at least more in detail. I remember at 9-13 being groomed and abused by people older than me. I didn’t know better. I became a nasty person during that time, And it took me a WHILE to get rid of those learned behaviors. I grew and became a better person. If we can’t do that from kids into adults. Then I have no hope for humanity. Especially if it’s learned behavior from groomers or older people you spent time around. I remember being groomed into erps (exotic roleplays) on Roblox and discord. I was sent gore, I was sent pornography. I was begged for explicit photos. I was mentally and verbally abused. So into my next relationship around 14, I didn’t know how to act. I didn’t want to be abusive, But I sure as hell was closed off, more snappy and irritated, I became someone who ran from issues, who was hypersexual, I closed myself off and panicked a lot if I did things wrong. I was often being easily angered and I didn’t communicate properly. I missed myself before all of that. I know soul has likely felt the same, or has experienced this differently. I know what it’s like. So to see people yelling at a victim who’s grown and tried healing? Is so nasty. Especially because I can relate to so much of this.
people are getting WAYYYYYYYY too confortable with doxxing people. if ur one of those guys,seek therapy,seek help, try finding someone that can help you get this hatred out. maybe leave the internet for abit.take a break.
Soul does not deserve any of this. I rarely delve into drama, but this is the one time I did, and it's just sickening how horrid "exposers" are. They don't care about your well being, just lies, manipulation, and deplatforming you. Soul deserves better. Deserves our support. Even if they aren't the best person, they've shown they can change and don't deserve this. I sincerely hope they start getting better.
Imagine experiencing getting groomed, manipluated and $A'd at such a young age. You grew with hate and discontent because of your toxic enviroment. After countless mistakes and suffering you had to endure, You decided to leave your past habits and own up to it. You decided to make a game that you had new hope for. It started rapidly growing and the community as well. Many roblox content creators (ARG's) and devs were collabing with you and earning their respect. Only for someone to spread misinformation, brought up your past mistakes and etc. Half of the community would turn against you (even addressing the allegations, fandoms would stick to firsthand info without seeking any elaboration or explanation from someone). The devs, content creators and part of your dev team stepped back from the collab because of the controversies. Even with the stream your fans are so disrespectful on the chats. Its really sad for someone like soul's experience all of that from such a young age until now.
Watching soul's stream made me tear up because they sounded so defeated and were literally breaking down, im so glad theyre strong and are trying to do better now, unfortunately juno isnt doing as good because she had an attempt. I hope they both recover and have a good life and the forsaken dev team can rest too
This drama is genuinely sad. Soul has so much potential and imagination and the fact people are putting them down is so devastating.
things like this is why one of my biggest fears is getting super popular online then getting falsely or wrongly accused of doing something terrible
They defend the bad (potemer) But attack the good (souldrivelove) Its the harshbreality
crazy and ironic how most of the people trying to “expose” soul are also bad people behind the scenes
thank you for making this, always held out hope for forsaken
As a former FnB player here, yes there's things soul done in the past which is is horrible and shouldn't had been done but ever since the creation of Forsaken ive seen him doing better and genuinely becoming a much better person and the facts he truly changed from where he comes. Soul, please stand strong with us! (Edit: sorry for the mispronouns i made since i thought he was using the she/her pronoun, im truly sorry and have edited the error in my messages)