
I vote for you purchasing Thor's Island rather than land in America because of the Norse and Celtic history of the island, and the corresponding spiritual connection.  Purchasing land in America is still a worthwhile goal, but should be shelved for later as a separate project, after the island has been acquired.  I'll contribute money at the Thrall level to start because unfortunately I am currently existing as a thrall, but I would gladly pitch in more money later whenever I can afford it.


I will definitely be on the Karl list and whichever settlement it goes to doesn’t matter to me. If I happen to come into money I will definitely jump on the jarl side. Blessings to you and yours for what you are doing for our traditions and faith.


This is a dream of mine come true. I have been trying to plant the tribal seed in my family's world view. I am becoming one of the oldest males and feel families and small communities need this. Germanic people are certainly being targeted for the larger isolation, and demoralization campaign.


If your initial plan doesn't work out, another idea I want to suggest is L'Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland, Canada. It's where a real Norse settlement was located 1000 years ago. Newfoundland/ Canada always has grants for various things. There's a lot of vacant land/islands  in the area and it's cheap.


Sorry I missed the live section. But I'm interested in trying to get involved. Would rather see it here in the U.S. only because the chances of my making it across the pond is low. But... To keep it out of the hands of those who don't belong there in the first place. I'm in! And, if we can't get it. Then I would rather see it go to Father Calvin and his supporters. At least we would still be welcomed.


Too busy with family to be here on time but meant to be in spirit.
Will follow up asap.
This is a project well worth moving on.
Let us join in common need.


Jarl here, and as someone who  fell in love with the Norse culture and can trace their family line directly back to Scotland, nothing would be better than than this island for our people


I am certified in Asatru,  as well as a lifelong member of Clan Young (Scottish Clan). I am all for this.


I missed your live, but after watching your video. From my heart I wanted to offer up information about Montana. As my family is from all over the map in Montana and Wyoming. Troy Montana could be a great place. It’s a quiet small retirement community surrounded by dense woods in the northern hemisphere of Montana. So very wintery in the wintertime making it a great place to have such a village and great for connecting to land spirits and doing spiritual workings. Oh and Troy is right next to kalispell i have family that live there. I wish we could contribute financially, but right now my husband and I are strapped financially. Hoping this next year looks better, but as soon as we can we’ll contribute as we watch all the videos of villages on your side of the globe, and would love to visit something like that here. Reconnecting to our ancestral way of life and with nature is so crucial right now ❤️🙏🏻


Jarl now or Konugr in 2 years. Scotland would be a dream come true for me, but it seems the US would make more sense to start with. Get the $ flowing.


I think this island is the very best plan.   I've researched the island myself as well because it is just such an amazing piece of land eith a beautiful history.   I will give whatever I can to support your efforts.  Thank you. Thank you! For all you have done in this venture.


I will absolutely be Thrall, possibly Karl. Which settlement matters not, so long as I have at bare minimum a passport and access to sacred space. I'll also be subscribing to the Patreon and joining the Discord post haste in order to communicate and get to know everyone.


I have lived in Wyoming my whole life. I would love to help get something started here.


Karl, maybe Jarl if I can get enough money together for it. Being from Colorado, my votes gonna be Wyoming or Montana.


I want to do more, but all I can afford is to be a thrall.

I love your videos they're great. Lots of love from Kansas. Many blessings


Haven’t had a chance to watch the full thing yet but it’s definitely a project I would be interested in.


As a US citizen and servicemember, I beg words to the wise: We can fight hard to preserve what always was, has and will be. But once we give it up, we will not get it back. Unfortunately, our nation is an example of this. Preserve the land, preserve its history. ᛏ


Late to this video but I was aware of Torsa and have already looked at it. I think it should be "saved".

Financially I am Thrall at the moment but Karl as soon as I can, if not Jarl. At the the end of the day I will give whatever I can. In truth help and advice is probably my best donation.

I would also add that Torsa is in an ideal location for tourism and that filling cabins with visitors should not be a problem. Also as it is kind of remote (but not too remote) you will get people staying longer, so weekly stays rather than the odd day or two. This makes things a little easier for planning things I think although short stays are also good. On the free speech side yes it sucks here at the moment but in general it is unlikely to affect this project directly, unless you were planning on organising raids to retake the Kingdom of the Isles you mentioned?


Really like the idea of slowly building more villages as more people become interested in this kind of living. Would love to donate, however I'm broke as a joke at the moment, perhaps sometime in the future when I'm in a more financially secure position.


Completely missed the live. D'oh!!