00:- 1:18. Ken Kaneki 01:19 - 2:41. Madara - Wakeuptoreality 02:42 - 6:09. Pain 06:10 - 7:22. Obito 07:23 - 8:05. Itachi 08:06 - 10:16 Ichigo 10:17 - 13:15 Shishui 13:16 - 13:52 Doflamingo 13:53 - 14:58 Kakashi 15:06 - 16:04 kankaneki 16:05 - 16:51 Markarov 16:52 - 18:59 Light yagami 19:00 - 19:27 Kakashi 19:28 - 20:21 Itachi 20:22 - 22:36 Pain 22:37 - 25:11 tanya 25:12 - 26:22 mereum 26:23 - 28:22. gaara 28:23 - 31:50 Rengoku 31:51 - 33:30 Erwin Smith 33:31 - 34:17. Nagato 34:18 - 35:47 Archer 35:48 - 36:45 L( Death note ) 36:46 - 38:34. Mahito ( Jjk
As kids we idolized the Heroes, as Adults we understand the Villains Edit: Didn't expect so many of you to like this & comment with your views as well, here's another perspective; Heroes and villains always have the same back story, which is pain. The difference is what they choose to do about it. The villain says “the world hurt me, I'll hurt it back” & the Hero says “the world hurt me, I'm not gonna let it hurt anyone else.” Heroes use pain. Villains are used by it
And people say that we are watching cartoons but even the movies they see can never become so realistic…
That quote from Kakashi about everyone he loves being killed just gets me every time. I mean GodDamm that hits me in the soul.
madara spoke facts, he went about it the wrong way, but in the end he wanted the best outcome for everyone. No more fighting, no more wars, no more broken hearts from loved ones being taken away from the battle. He wanted peace, he simply lost sight at what he had to do to achieve it.
The wake up to reality dialogue still gives me goosebumps
Anime isn't just "an anime" or else it wouldn't have impacted so many people, connect, even brighten us, the community that has formed around this is something to behold. Thank you to the people who write manga and anime you've truly touched many of our hearts and have carved a legacy for many to remember. Its not just an anime.. its a teacher, its a lesson, its a motivator, and its something that helps you become who you want to be, its a booster in learning your path and if you try to tell me otherwise ill tell you that's your opinion, this is mine
When pain says..." You and I are the same, You strive for your justice, I strive for mine...what I've delivered to hidden leaf is no different than than what you are trying to do to me... Everyone feels the same pain in losing something dear..." damn...after this I forget the concept of good and bad.
2:44 pain starts the speech and I cried a little because he was just a broken person
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After completing whole naruto and naruto shippuden series, that thumbnail that you put up is enough to make one emotional.
Pain will always be my favorite villain because he wants peace, but he understands the ugliness of the world and that he isnt right in doing what hes doing, but hes not wrong either because its just how the world operates
Rengoku's speech: 28:23 - 31:50 I can't help myself from crying every time I hear these words. To be hoset, the sub was better than the dub but, I want to talk about what that speech means to me, and maybe, to all of you. Rengoku's speech impacted a lot of Demon Slayer fans as much as his death did. A strong message from the speech is Time does not wait for us. You must cherish the gift of life as much as you can and go down the path of life that you feel is right. Rengoku is one of those people that have a strong heart and mind and can't be beaten down easily. That is one reason why his death came as a shock. Another thing about Rengoku is that he did not bow his head when his mother died. He kept it held high and saved many people. His father, Shinjuro, on the other hand, did not let go of his wife and let her death take over his life. In the end it swallowed him and the fact still remains... Life and hope is a precious jewel. You muct cherish. Keep it safe. Do everything you can to keep it in your possession and don't let grief take your soul. Once after, you cannot turn back, and returning to things you love is hard. If you read the whole thing, thank you. I hope it taught you something. 🙂
“I’m not wrong… what’s wrong Is this messed up world.” Oh my god guys this quote- amazing
Madara's quote hits hard🔥
Erwin’s final speech is so intense and Inspiring , I listen to it on repeat
Pains quote hit me deep as a child and now as a adult it hits me just as deep, I understand him and if I was him I would have done the same
"We're both just ordinary men who've been driven to seek vengence in the name of justice and if one comes to call vengence justice such justice will only breed further vengence and trigger the viscious cicle of vengence" - got me goosebumps
I don’t know why but kanekis speech gives me massive goosebumps the way they talk, the music even though Tokyo ghoul is not one of my favorites that one quote is golden