
Zombie ❌️😒
Ronaldo fan zombie✅️☠️


Dave really becomes a crazy man 💀


Let's be honest this is going to be a response why pvz going to be famous again


Literalmente el zombie goleador xd🤙


Plants VS  zombie
  👇                    👇


Le mete phonk duro a todo jajaj


Crazy dave is no longer crazy anymore😂


Я тоже хочу такой вирус, но чтобы себя не удалял , надо будет сам удалю 😂


POV: when mi mom gets angry and gets the belt because we broke a window


Zombie 🚫
Fan de zombie✅️


the editors:BRO NO WAY💀


Crazy Dave❌
Serious Dave✔️


Me as baby: that hurt :<!


How does crazy Dave how was shotgun but he never use it


Dave really become a crazy man 💀


De dónde sacó esa matraca de dónde la sacó


Not plant vs zombie 
Gun vs zombie☠️


Dave avenged the baby 💀💀


o Dave : nem preciso de ajuda vem aqui ☠️


Crazy Dave really said: "fine I’ll do this myself"