I like the fact that you shout out all the indie fighters as well as the big ones. So many people would focus on Hhunter X Hunter, Fatal Fury, and 2XKO and call it a day, but you shine a light on games people may not know about and that's sick.
Most excited for city if the wolves, can't wait for the guides
I did put up a community post the other day about the direction the channel will be taking in 2025 so check that out! Also Mai Shiranui is in 3 different games on this list so she earned the thumbnail spot. 2025 is Mai's year, really as simple as that. Get ready to have some fans thrown upside your head. THE SHIRANUIFICATION HAS BEGUN
I'm so glad the Power stone is gettign shown a little bit of love. I know it won't amount to a new game or anything, but Powerstone 1 and 2 are so slept on.
Fatal Fury got me counting the minutes until release. I hope we get the beta relatively soon
Congratulations on all your success brotha. Hope your momentum can continue. You're one of the few creators that seems to earnestly love the topic he reports on.
hey roofle, I’m super happy that you dealt with that hack bullshit and got your channel back! great job on dealing with such a horrible obstacle and thank you for modeling how to deal with adversity in a healthy and emotionally mature way! I hope 2025 sees you successful and healthy!
I want soul calibur 7 and a new bloody roar...mainly a new bloody roar because that was an awesome game franchise!
We need a Street Fighter EX collection. Those games deserve to be played on modern hardware!
I hope for Physical edition of Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves.
Hope the winning streaks for the fighting game genre keeps continuing this year as well.
GBVSR is still ongoing too, Sandalphon got a quick teaser at EVO. He's probably releasing soon to kick off season 2. The player base is smaller but I see generally high morale and high hopes for future.
Corept having an Eva unit 01 color scheme is certainly intriguing
Don't be fooled guys! This video is just an excuse to talk about Virtua Fighter again! Twice! But seriously though, 2025 looking zesty.
I never thought I’d be excited for so many fighting games. If it wasn’t for DBFZ I wouldn’t have even tried any of these.
i just gotta say, i love the intro you do the slow hello is for some reason just really cool
an excellent video, as always. You're the best. Can't wait to see Lucy in strive !
I hope to see Rock Howard from SNK and Fatal Fury and Billy Butcher from the Boys in the Season 2 of Tekken 8.
7:49 So happy that Arcane fans finally have a game. I can't believe they've never done a game based on that world