If he’s competent enough to be POTUS, he’s competent enough to stand trial.
The Universe will bring everything into the Light
I’ve often wondered how those kids have been okay with their mother being buried on the back 9.
And amazingly Ivana was cremated!! Big Casket for ashes !!!
Donald is capable of anything. Nothing would surprise me. Nothing.
It's disgusting that Ivana's kids did not have their mother buried in a respectable way. This family has no shame. Allowing their mother to be buried on his golf course. Makes me wonder how the Trump kids will be treated by their kids when they get old. Karma.
His cult wouldn't be bothered by him taking out an ex wife, she'd be an enemy that needed dealt with. So scary how devoted they are...
I never believed for one minute that her death was “accidental”. I’ve never felt anything other than “a push” energy. She was helped down those stairs. I can see it just not the one that “offered” the assist.
I always wondered why she had a Castket if she was cremated.
From the very beginning, it was obvious DT has something to do with her death. It is way too suspicious to be an accident. The quickie funeral. Her burial at a golf course! She didn't golf. The pollbearers said Ivana's casket was much heavier than any casket they have ever carried. She had a lot of money that went to her children, that he took from them, because he needed money! He always needs money. DT is responsible for her death. I don't even have to look at my tarot cards. I hope, very soon, Ivanka suddenly realizes the truth and speaks up about it to the authorities. I did kinesioloy with my fingers, every time, my fingers are extremely strong, unable to separate, when I say, "Donald Trump is responsible for Ivana Trump's death." This is why she has been staying away from her father. Either, in the back of her mind, she suspects what her father did, or she does know but doesn't have the courage to speak up about it, yet.
Hi David! Love your site! When I first heard Ivanka fell down the stairs, trump is the first one I thought of. That would be the cherry on top 😂😂😂
A lot of other readers have noted for several months that a woman would expose DT.
I've wondered about Ivana's passing all along , i felt all along 45 was responsible for her passing. Of course he seems to always have someone do the dirty work. And im sure her children shared a lot of information with her.
I think you are right! I never thought it was an accident!
I almost jumped out of my bed when I saw the topic of this reading! I have always thought that, sooo glad you brought it up!!💙💙💙💙❤️
Wow. If true, he definitely needs to be exposed. And it has to happen before he gets inaugurated. I hope, for Ivana's sake, that her truth is revealed. May God bless us all with faith, strength, and wisdom. Love and hugs for all. Joy
This would be the perfect, nonpolitical outcome to bring down the monster. His MAGA base could not blame this on Dems if Ivanka squeals. We need justice at last..your reading is my new best hope🥰
I thought her death was fishy, so convenient for him. It would not surprise me at all. And burying her on the golf course was nasty and creepy. A tax right off for him because there are no taxes on graveyards in NJ
There are lots of people who could turn on Donald Trump. If it were to look bad for Donald you could watch all of them come out of the woodwork.