
I have a fantastic story involving Jack Johnson. My friend's and I had gone out and we're enjoying the town. My friend Brennan had taken too many edibles, and for the entire night, he was out of it. Supreme naseua and sickness, sitting at the table with his head in his hands for 2 hours. I was the one who took him home, and as we're driving, I was sure he was about to vomit. He was moaning and groaning and needed the window wide open for fresh air. Suddenly, Good People comes up in the queue, and he just slowly sits up and starts goofily dancing in the seat next to me. After hours of feeling terrible, all he needed to feel better was a little bit of my daddy Jack to set him straight. Drove him all the way home listening to nothing but Jack Johnson and he couldn't be happier


So happy to see younger generations enjoying this music. I’m also so grateful that JJ is still playing and sounding as good as ever. 😌


❤ Jack is so cool ❤ 😊
Ein Mann mit seiner Gitarre und seinen Jungs im Hintergrund (Drummer, Bassist) und der unterhält so ein großes Publikum 🤌🏽😏🥰👍🏽


I’m in tears reading all the comments on how much his music has impacted our life’s. Music is so beautiful ❤️❤️❤️


0:00 - Taylor
4:37 - Sitting, Waiting, Wishing
8:10 - Flake / In the Summertime
13:30 - Upside Down / Badfish
19:50 - Inaudible Melodies
25:30 - Bubble Toes / The Joker
32:02 - Breakdown
38:17 - Stepping Stone
42:30 - Banana Pancakes
47:40 - Same Girl / Mellow Mood
51:40 - Heading Home
57:23 - Costume Party
1:01:38 - Staple It Together
1:07:14 - Rodeo Clowns
1:10:21 - Who Do You Love
1:11:49 - Mudfootball
1:15:53 - Good People
1:22:15 - Do You Remember
1:27:05 - Pirate Looks at 40
1:31:37 - Home
1:35:23 - Constellations 
1:39:25 - Willie Got Me Stoned 
1:41:36 - Angel
1:44:31 - Rainbow
1:48:29 - Better Together


Man, some of my best memories with my wife and kids had Jack playing in the back ground.


Loving this from 2000 thousands miles away. Gorgeous man. 😮


Beyond valuation, beyond forgery or imitation. This man should be an example for all generations of artists. Made by people, for people. It’s not about the money, it’s about the impact. Legend.


So good!  I got home from a really long day and was feeling kinda stressed out.  Put this on and was instantly relaxed and in a good mood.  Thanks Jack and friends 😎


Incredible how Jack and the band can sound just as good if not better than 15 years ago - and kids who weren't even born when the first albums came out know every lyric here in Marshfield in 2022. Legendary!


I was going through a very sad and horrible time in my and I  heard his music! That was it walked me through the bad times. Although. Those bad times will never go away, but I have learned  some coping skills and his music and I will survive!


That was so sweet of Jack to check-in with the crowd.


I know who you are Jack.. your an angel or a prophet .. I know who you are.  Thank you for your music


Jack takes me to the chill the fuck out zone, where I need to reside. Kudos, bravo, whatever. You're a musical fucking genius.


Yup....great music for my H.S. Art classes.....always mellows them out. Thanks Jack !


Great musician ever🎉


I definitely would be the girl yelling: I love you jack - the vibe from this concert is amazing!! I have been listening to JJ since my 13yrs old. Now, I'm 27. I hope someday to enjoy his live concert! (Right now, I'm writing my Master thesis - I only can concentrate listening to JJ)


GLove..another legend like Jack. Where has the past 20 years gone


G-love!!  Awesome to see these guys jammin again.


I’m from Indonesia and I’ve been a fan of Jack Johnson since I was 13. I’m now 32. I really wish I could watch him live someday.