
So many men's fashion channels focus too much on getting girls and acting smooth. I appreciate your channel because it gives me fashion advice every time.


Your channel is the best. Modest, understated, unpretentious and non repetitive content and sadly still underrated. 
Most of the popular men's fashion /fitness channels (won't take names) only peddle regurgitated crap. You're the best Sir


A really under appreciated YouTube channel. You’re an inspiration sir. Thank you for everything


Hate to be a broken record here seeing the other comments, but in regards to style/fashion, your channel is simply the best. The clip you did a month or so ago about dressing well in your 40's and beyond really hit home for me. Glad I discovered this.


I used to have a couple Speedometer Official bracelets and they were my favorite to wear. Obviously it helps with the watch aesthetic with the dive bezel or tachy design. Matches the rolex colorways but they have a bunch of designs. They are kind of pricey though and mine ended up cracking after a couple years of bending to fit around the wrist


This is super useful for me, I'd looked for accessories at thrift stores and couldn't get a feel for what worked well as a bracelet in menswear. I'll keep this guide in mind next time.


Gotta agree with the other comments on the quality and different content, its refreshing and cool, keep it up.


Thanks for this, just when I'm getting back into wearing bracelets. I had to stop wearing my "long live the king" bracelet because I didn't want anyone to confuse it with those quarantine bracelets, so I've been looking for replacements. Hopefully this week I'll fix the cord on my tigers eye bracelet


Great and very informative video.  I, myself, wore beaded and leather bracelets a few years back.  As you mentioned, I got mine from Amazon.  It was a very easy way of getting my feet wet without breaking the bank.  I'm now looking to upgrade just a bit more and I'm now looking at silver bracelets and cuffs.  I'll probably go the Etsy route.  I like the idea of supporting independent artisans.  Thanks for the great video!


I just have 2 shoelaces one brown and one black and I’m absolutely loving it


I got my SARB just before Amazon sold out this year. So thankful because its an amazing watch


In my opinion a bracelet kinda sleeve (4-5 bracelets) looks really cool, especially if you're just wearing a short sleeved shirt. it really adds to your outfit... unless you want to go minimal


Your videos are always detailed and easily comprehendible. Thank you very much for giving clear ideas sir 🙏


Love your passion for this, keep it up!


Great video Brock! Been watching your content since the start. I love how you keep the smaller men in mind!


Thanks for all your words


I have too bracelets that wear interchangeably, a leather-looking strap with a couple wood pieces and a small zodiac sign on it and a green plastic beads one. Funny enough I've got compliments on both even though they're both cheap stuff I picked on Aliexpress for a dollar or so.


Gold wedding band or gold signet ring can be mixed with a silver watch. It's such a classic and posh look.


The best content about men's style ❤


I was curious to know if I am wearing my bracelets correctly, particularly stacking them up and/ or mixing bracelets with a watch. Thanks for the video, It is very useful and I got some valuable pointers.