
Jakarta is a prime example of city without urban planning, just by looking at the map you can tell about 80% of the "city" is unregulated urban settlement consisted of improvised buildings.


This is so far the most comprehensive video about the complexity of Jakarta’s problems yet, thank you!


One of the Best countries I have visited. Bekasi, Jakarta and Bandung share the same problem of Horrible traffic jam but the People are so Resilient, Hard Working and Adopting. Hope they will overcome whatever problems they are facing.
Cheers from Pakistan.


I love the fact that residents along the river got involved and reduced the space they occupy by 5 meters from the river banks. A win-win for the government, the people and nature.


Jakarta has got a lot greener since the last years. I really like the downtown area, and all the vibes it has. Especially at night it's also very unique :)


As a Jakarta resident this is quite depressing tbh because there doesn't seem to be much hope for this city, especially compared to your other videos where cities like Cairo and Lagos are on the rise and have improved significantly with a bright future ahead of them.
Personally, I think Jakarta's problems is way too much that abandoning ship is the way to go. There needs to be significant investment in other cities and open up proper job opportunities there instead of them crowding in the Jabodetabek metropolitan area where most of the jobs are. 
Personally, I think moving the capital to Borneo is a good idea. Once the bureacrats and government offices are relocated, that would mean Jakarta can focus on being the financial capital instead of serving two functions which the landmass can't support.
But yeah, despite the overall depressing state that Jakarta is in there is still a lot to be hopeful about like the MRT system, the LRT, as well as planned water treatment facilities so that people won't have to pump their water from underground.

Excellent video regardless :)


Better and most reality content from some of our modern jakarta building youtubers 😅 .
Good job , 10 thumbs up for you 👍


Living in Jogja, a city on the south of Java, but will spend a month in Jarkata, so this video is very appreciated!


Jakarta is the prime and peak example of how corrupt the system & government in Indonesia that they dont care about its people, but their own pocket & wealth instead


Canadian expat living in Jakarta here.  It's a crazy place. Beautiful but very dirty. The people are welcoming and kind. Every city has it's pros and cons. But I'm not leaving. I'm proud it's my new home!


Love the content your channel produces! I would love to see a video of yours on the Brazilian city of Curitiba! It’s one of the mos incredible examples of how to make world leading urbanism projects on a budget! Cheers for the content!


This is a solid solid endeavor. I don't think any of these are new for most Jakartan (n to a lesser extent Indonesian) but this is a good summary for non-Jakartan. Not only you give ample space for the locals to talk, you also selected the 'right' pieces*. Again a solid 20 mins window to Jakarta's problem and potential.

Born and raised in Jakarta, decided to leave the city in the early 2000s but even to this day still technically a citizen of Jakarta. I still want my voting right for Jakarta, my voice for a better Jakarta altho I've been moving from town to town of Indonesia for the past 20 years.

*bar a clip of Jogja at 15:30 while discussing about traffic in Jakarta.
PS: I know Yu Sing personally, learned a great deal from him. A great man.


It is actually very eye opening for me as I live in Jakarta and this place might only be as far as 5 to 6 miles from my neighborhood, the more horrifying is the fact that not many of us are aggressively informed about the problem.
We know Jakarta is sitting below the sea level and that it is sinking a few centimetre every year, but nobody really brings the awareness and proofs that not only it's already happening, it happens fast. 
Our media is obsessed with politics, religions and how to combine them, when there's a literal place not far from our houses where a man can fish on the street.


To avoid confusion:

Jakarta SCR (also the province of Jakarta SCR) population is only 10.5 million (2020)

Jakarta Metropolitan, consists of Jakarta SCR and satellite cities from two neighboring provinces:

Jakarta SCR (Jakarta SCR province)
Bogor (West Java province)
Depok (West Java province)
Bekasi (West Java province)
Tangerang (Banten province)
South Tangerang (Banten province)

Total population is 33.5 million (2020). Indonesians call this metropolitan as 'Jabodetabek'
The later is the one this video is talking about and call it 'the 2nd largest city'.


Sundapura (Tarumanagara) > Sunda Kalapa (Sunda+Galuh) > Jayakarta (Demak+Cirebon+Banten) > Batavia (Nederlandsch-Indië) > Djakarta Tokubetsu Shi (Japan) > Jakarta (Indonesia)......


Very impressed with your video. Felt thorough yet concise. Even though an American, I felt a connection as I've visited this city and a lot of Java while getting got caught in several flash flooding events. Glad to see the city and it's residents are seeming to be making progress in a challenging situation.


As a person that born & live on Borneo for decades, yes, this part of the area is quite safe. No major disasters. The only problem is smog problem caused by farming's open burning.
We do hope the change of Indonesia capital will means real development on this island, including stimulating development in neighbouring countries (Sabah, Sarawak & Brunei) - which frankly, are quite falling behind compared to other places. Despite the size of Borneo island, there isn't any real modern transit system available, this place is still the largely backwater countryplace... If you're looking for low living cost & quiet place to live, currently Borneo is a nice spot. If you looking for advance modern hightech living, eh...... there aren't really anything interesting going on around here.


Great job and thanks for covering this incredible complex mega city …. and for offering some possibilities of hope for its future.


I loved Jakarta when I have visited there twice but I did stay around Central Jakarta on both occasions but I was aware of its problems with flooding and polluted water from locals who talked to me about it when I was there


Good idea of moving the capital from jakarta to east kalimantan, let jakarta becomes center town of business, crowded houses crowded people must seperate from government area. hopefully jakarta can be better many green areas, change the crowded house become apartments.