
Fun fact....my husband likes to eat his banana pudding warm.  I prefer mine cold.  How do you eats yours?


I can remember watching my grandma whip out that double boiler and make us pudding. Nothing better than old fashioned pudding Renee!!!


I love old fashioned banana pudding with a meringue topping like my grandmothers used to make!  I might try making one again homemade instead of using pudding mix.


I am so grateful that you made this video!  This is how my Grandma used to make her Vanilla Pudding, but I lost her recipe and she has passed away.  No one else had it, so thank you so so much!  It was my favorite dessert that she made me and she made EVERYTHING from scratch!  I love your channel.  You're so down to Earth, relatable, have variety, and keep in mind that everyone is different.  Thank you again for posting this!  🤗😘  Cheers!


Thank you for the change in content, I thoroughly enjoy it when you share cooking recipes vs. influence shopping. On that note, I'm looking forward to trying this pudding.


I make it in the microwave.  My cousin who owned a restaurant did it that way.   Once i tried it, I'll never cook on the stove again.  Cook in the microwave 5 minutes,  wisk, cook in two minute intervals and wisk each time until desired thickness. Then add vanilla. If it gets too thick,  add more milk. Too thin? Cook lomger. VERY FORGIVING.


Looked delicious. I make my banana pudding from scratch as well. Have never used evaporated milk. My family always used regular milk. I prefer mine at room temp. Once it's refrigerated, I no longer eat it. I make my  daughter-in-law some separately and omit the bananas. When I was little my father always made mine without bananas too. Now I eat bananas.


Warm. The original is THE only banana pudding!!
I make the coconut and chocolate pudding the same way too. Love it!


Yummy…my husband likes Banana pudding warm or cold. I prefer it cold. Nice show…Renee! You rock! Outstanding video, thanks!☺️👏🏻


Ohhh, I love it and will make it for tomorrow night's dinner. Thank you Renee. Have a great weekend💖


Oh my gosh I must make a banna pudding pie thanks Renee


My Mom made the real banana pudding, it's the best. Thanks for sharing your family recipe♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


Oh goodness that pudding looks delicious, not everyone likes banana's but I love them. And especially in a warm home made pud! What holiday are you celebrating over the weekend?! Renee have a great weekend and no wonder Randy is so happy getting your cooking every day.🇬🇧🌞👍🌻🍌🥧🍹🐾🥳


Oh my goodness!
8m drooling for banana pudding!  🍌 😋


I make this for Thanksgiving and it´s my grandson´s favorite!


Yes yes banana pudding.I love it. More bananas please.


Yesssss I make it this way!!! My grandma taught me. I love it!


Yaaaasssss, girl, OMG. I've been waiting for this video. THANK YOU! 🍌


Renee, My mom would make banana pudding with vanilla wafers (not my grandma) but I'm older than you!  All I would have to add to your scrumptious meal is some greens as I am addicted to green veges.  Would you remind me what your fresh laundry soap is because I cannot find it on your storefront.  Thanks.


Renee, have you considered publishing your mother's recipes? I believe you compiled her recipes as a gift to her in the past.