I started watching your channel when Lilia was around 8 months old. I truly can’t believe how you guys and your family has morphed and how much happens in 14 years. Still love you all! 🩷 Happy Birthday Lilia!
I’m trying to wrap my brain around how Lilia is 14 now, I started watching this channel when I think the twins were like 2 weeks old? Can’t believe it’s been so long😂 Happy birthday Lilia!!
Can't believe I've been following Jess's journey since she was 17, and now Lilia, whom she was making pregnancy videos about, is 14! That's the age Jessica started dating Gabe. Lilia seems like a great kid. It's been so fun to see her grow into who she is!
The fact that Lilia can go on Sims and find multiple versions of her family in the gallery is so crazy to me lol
Lilia is so pretty! She seems like such a good soul. I love her vibe. She's amazing
Her friend in the mall with y’all was so adorable. Kids these days are so creative and I’m so happy they are able to do so. When I was growing up it seems if we didn’t have uniforms then regular clothes could only be a certain way an made it hard to be expressive I love this for the new generation. Rock on little ones ❤
It's wild that the cute little girl is now this creative teenager. I absolutely love this age, firmly in between childhood and adulthood. The Q&A was a great throwback. It's nice to hear about some of the interests and how they do and do not compare to our teen years.
I can’t believe how much Lilia has grown up. Started watching when she was just a toddler. Happy birthday!!
I love the bond that Jess has with each kid!!
As someone that has been here since you were pregnant with Lilia it's crazy how fast time has gone. I love watching your family grow. ❤
Lilia is lucky to have u! As a mother u did amazing with her
My 14yr old started HEARTSTOPPER the book series at 12. She loves them has all 5 books and hands them to ppl who she feels needs to understand
This means I’ve been watching for about 14 years as well! 😱🥹🥲 what a journey, what a ride! Happy Birthday Lilia!
Wow Lily is so cool😂 like I’m being so serious!! I felt so embarrassed to talk about being into cosplay, will wood, theatre, lgbt media, the list goes on, when I was her age and I’m just so happy to see how supportive you are of her and her interests!! Can’t wait to see more of the young woman she’s becoming and tell her she’d LOVE Madds Buckley, Set It Off, Black Gryph0n, and Cavetown if she hasn’t already found them lol!💕 you guys are such an inspiration to me keep up the amazing work💕💕 it’s rare to find family vlog channels that feel like they really do care about their kids more than just being an asset in their videos and I feel that so deeply when I watch your channel. I feel like I’m following your life Jess and your kids just happen to be a part of that life and they get to be as big of a part of the videos or a small as a part as they wish which makes me feel good as a viewer💕 The last thing I want is to feel like the person on screen hates being on screen lol I can tell all your kids really like what you do and are proud of you and that’s just so rare and we love to see it💕
This is so crazy watching… I’ve been following you since you made pregnancy vlogs with Lilia!! So long ago… she’s grown up so much!! You are such an amazing mom Jess!
Lilia’s 1st birthday video is how I found you! Lilia is so beautiful and I love the relationship you have with one another💜 I can’t believe she is 14😭
Let’s just appreciate how good of a mom Jessica is we all love her ❤
the dr pepper candle and shirt is so real help edit: we need lilia’s makeup routine and also happy late bday lilia ❤
Happy birthday Lilia, I hope u enjoyed inside out 2