
I love watching this channel, the presenter turns Angling into an art form. Excellent 👍


Anything by Dan is excellent thank you Drennan


What a great ,interesting clip!! Loved every minute and to top it off a great 4lb+ stripey!! Keep these clips coming!! Fantastic to watch


I was getting all excited there ha! he`s a good story teller and what a fish.


Great video buddy and that lake where you have not had the big one is a super hard venue, but it has some dream fish in there. Tight lines


I admire your passion for all the different species and how well you handle them 👏


As a boy growing up in Scotland, I loved Perch fishing more than anything, just something about the fish appealed to me.


Really enjoy how Daniel goes about his business. As well as a very humble man, refreshing in this day and age. As usual great video by drennan fab editing.


What a great fish....and from tricky father Thames ...well told story ..... inspiring!


I can totally empathise with that pre-bite story!

I also use a paternoster rig for my live baiting and I use small loafer myself, but let it sit flat on the surface. It means it doesnt take much to see some movement from the livebait, a little shart nudge causes a ripple. And then when it stands up you know you're close. When it dips hard that's your take.

Mekes me excited just thinking about it!


oap here x match angler and have fished that peg on medley a fair few times over the years and caught all sorts off it.never seen a perch like that come from that area before but bought back some memmories of times gone by for me and well done on the catch


A  pleasure to watch. Thanks folks


I have been calling for Drennan to make a Perch Fishing video with bait and bobbers for ages and we are just starting to see a few now, I would like to see more bait fishing perch videos for sure... I enjoyed this... gotta love an andrew feilds bobber, I used my my own too!


Cracking Video Mate! I Caught a  freak 4lb 10 oz Perch From The Lancaster Canal ,On a 6oz live Roach by Accident Chasing PIKE ,This was when I think The Record was about 5lb to 6lb ,in 2001! So I started Chasing Big Perch on The Lancy ,Never had 1 as big as my First big 1 ,But had as many as 6 ,inbetween 2lbto ,3lb 4oz in 1 sesion ,Ive used every kind of Bait ,And in my experience, THE BEST BAIT BY FAR FOR A BIG PERCH ,IS A SMALL PERCH ,and chopped worm,mixed with mud ,and Red maggot as a attractive,!!


Love these videos


Fantastic video, Iv been having success on both methods mentioned and this has inspired me to get on the Severn 💪🏼


Lovely little film as always Daniel. Very enjoyable 👌 keep them coming mate


One to remember for ever


Lovely video! I have had some good success along that stretch in the past but failed this year, so it's good to see someone did well 👍


This is the exact spot I do most of my perch fishing. Fantastic stretch