
🌟 yes keeping things to myself , cause i know they don't want to see me flourish


Your readings are almost always spot on with me. I AM moving to Arkansas, because I fell in love with it. I’ve waited 6 years, until my last child graduated high school. I’m building a home, and I really do need help with it.  I’ve been with my bf 3 1/2 years and it feels like we are doing much better after some struggles. There IS someone who is hurting me….one of my sisters is so icy to me. She acts like she wants nothing to do with me. She hasn’t even asked to meet my boyfriend and I haven’t seen her in over 3 years. However….she can be that way to other people….like you said. Our family DOES seem broken now my mother and oldest sister died 2 months apart in 2021. They were the glue holding our family together. AND…..now I’m getting closer to my boyfriend’s family. They have welcomed me and shown me love. I think I’m going to have to make another comment because I’m not done listening to this reading! 😂


I’m so excited about everything life has to offer! Even just having the mindset that rejection and disappointment means something better is on the way makes everything even more exciting ⭐️


Wow !! 🌟🌟🌟 I am 222 viewer !!! And have been seeing 222,444 ,11:11 all week . Thank you for your content always very accurate ❤


I am finally ready to experience love. I have been waiting for this. I claim this love and new relationships


all I can say is that you are accurate about keeping my plans secret.


🌟 The hurting bit already happened to me and it kinda caused the 5 of pentacles and it is causing a mega transformation that is kinda unexpected. A lot of questionmarks are still floating around but I trust your reading! Thank you ❤


⭐️ retiring next year so will announce it in March 😊 🙏❤️


Ones  keep pooping up everywhere and Idk if im going crazy but both of those pics you had shown in the beginning  looks like me in a way red hair and everything.❤💯🔥😮


It resonates. I hope it will happen 🌟


I claim love and new relationship in 2025❤


🌟 1st time here. I’ve made up my mind to move abroad in silence, end of year! Planning an initial visit end of March! Thank you ❤


Going to be coming out on a famous YouTuber podcast 😊 so this was quite accurate!!!


Wow, this was a great reading! 😁 

It's my first time watching your videos and a lot resonates in this particular reading.

I'm losing my job at the end of March, but I'm already bonding with my good work connections and looking for another job. 

I already interviewed twice with a new job and I was invited to go to the location next month to have a tour and a final interview. It looks very promising!

I only informed my dearest and closest true friends of my situation since I didn't want my good luck to be struck down. I already know that person who betrayed me so, I cut her out of my life and only work with her when I have to. I keep everything silent around her and it's helping.

I pray and meditate for good manifestations. And, I focus on positivity and enjoy loving what I do in my career. I naturally grab attention when I walk into a room because I am authentic and try to learn about others and my job interests. 

I don't ask for much ever. But, I am at a point in my career where I can stand up and ask for a better salary and work-life balance.

I hope that my next job works out. But, I will need to move out of the city into a smaller town that is 5 hours away. It's hard to give up all of the local conveniences. But maybe it is better overall?

I listen to a lot of signs all around me. They sometimes make me stop and surprise me. My intuition is strong so I know what's going on. For instance, songs that are playing in the stores or on the streets. So, I want to focus more on the lyrics and what they're saying.

Recently, I sent a music video link to my crush because I was teaching him English that related to an idiom I mentioned. I didn't know the whole lyrics, so after I sent the video, I read the lyrics, and a lot of things I felt for him were said in the song. It was an "Oh, my gosh!" moment. 

He has feelings for me, I know. And the last day of work before vacation, he stood around people not talking to him. He was hoping and waiting for me to approach him to talk. We chatted and it was a wonderful conversation that both of us enjoyed.

But I hope he can open up to me after winter vacation. 

I want my job, but I also want him. Can I be selfish and have both? Lol. 

Anyway, I hope to be happy, healthy, and abundant from 2025.

Thanks for reading! Have a Happy New Year!🎉


this was awesome, also spot on with me and very similar to what I’ve been hearing other card readers on YouTube say about what is upcoming for Aries, secret moves for sure! Thanks! ⭐️


⭐️ planning is everything i won't tell a  soul.✨️✨️❤️🙏✨️


Aries female & Aries male.  
I had goals with my previous partner until he relocated to a different state back with his family.  Had he expressed his emotions & communicated what he needed, the situation of the outcome would've been a different scenario.  We would've never separated.


⭐ you definitely seem to be in tuned to my energy, I've started a business years ago and I feel like I'm on the verge of it popping off. Also I've been single for a very long time and feel a connection could be coming up soon as I've had a lot of different sparks and more opportunities lately. Would love another reading!


💫 I hope this works out, very exciting!


⭐⭐⭐🐦🐦    🐦🐦  yes,  222s , 333s,  and beyond,  I see the signs all around, all the time !!!    Thank You for the readings  xoxoxo