The fact that you are using PPT for your videos just goes to show how badass you are. Kudos to you sir!
I honestly never even thought you made your videos using PowerPoint. This shows how humble your videos are. Thank you sir.
What's also shown there is the years of experience mastering that whole thing. Well done!
You have a true gift of making the complicated look easy. I have learned SO much from your videos over the years. Thank you!
A very informative video, I always wondered how you do it. Thank you, now I know.:trophy-yellow-smiling:
I learned networking from you, there is hardly a single video i haven't watched on your channel, and today when i came to know that you used PowerPoint the whole time to make these videos... You really surprised me, thanks for the putting in the effort ♥️
Impressive work. No short-cut, you showed us how long it takes to be unique. Good job Moving forward, I won't complain that you have taken long to upload a video
I'm animating videos on After Effects; and it still takes like Foreverrr to edit. I'm in awe seeing you animate everything with PowerPoint. Hats off to the King 👑👑
In the world of After Effects and other fancy high end animation tools bro preferred to use the OG
I have been following you since 2017 when I was in my 1st Year of Bsc in CSE... your Videos were the Best Resource Out there Sir... I truly Appreciate your Hardwork for making such content with soo much Hard Work... Truly Tremendous ❤️❤️❤️
You are a true artist.
Creating this masterpiece doesn't need experience in PPT only, but also needs great imagination, your true legend sir ❤
My guy this video is just showing how much talent and passion you have to give us amazing videos! This channel amazes me every time! I also wanna say that this channel helped me pass my exams in school and my networking exams was made 9000000 times easier by watching this channel explain it in a masterful way! <3 Thank you for the years of hard work and being our educator.
Instead of high end or professional tools like Photoshop or Illustrator, he went straight for powerpoint, absolute mad lad.
Great example of knowing how to use a tool so well that you can't be ignored 😊
You are not get replaced by AI sir
all I can say is "WOW!!!" with 3 exclamation marks. Well done!
You beautiful genius! You showed us how you draw these things! WOW WOW WOW