
Damn those look good.. We usually add cheese, garlic butter, jalapeno slices and bacon bits, down here in Louisiana.. They're money dude..


An open oyster doesn't mean it is bad, it means it is breathing and has probably been out of the water for a while. If that open oyster doesn't close when you tap it with another oyster, then it is a bad oyster.


Definitely delicious. Thank you ♥️


I usually just eat them raw but this looks so 🔥 I gotta try it. That cauldron is amazing


This is the best way to eat oysters 😋


I'm so glad I found this video!! I JUST made some steamed oysters with garlic and butter but I shucked it first and it was soooo difficult. I wish I saw this earlier lol..but now I'm going to try this method. Thank you so much!


First time I had oysters was in Egypt made exactly like this they were absolutely beautiful tasty as can be


You only need to use a 2-3 chunks of wood, you're just using it for the extra smoke flavor. It isn't the heat source. Also it will smoke/smolder better if you put the wood chunks down first then pour the coals over the wood.


Great how-to video. Thank you. About to grill oysters for the first time and needed some direction! Wish me luck. Happy 4th of July yall!


That’s a lotta wood! Great looking grill!


Looks soooooooo delish


Love that grill. I’ve never seen one like that.


Awesome video I’ll be cooking this tonight while watching Loki 👍🏾


We were seeding oyster beds out front of the house in the 60s, so we just get wet when a hankering strikes; pop use to put a touch of salt on the rim of a budweiser & pop down a half dozen with a cherry tomato most nights before dinner; several of us have annual hundred head or more oyster roasts; but I ain't never heard of anybody sniffin' one.


so glad I found your channel...suppose to wait for the gf to get home to start grilling but I might have to get an emergency batch going before she gets home! Thanks Daniel :-)


I’m about to try this now


Awesome video short and simple tomorrow is oyster day for me and I will be doing this exact same thing. Love my live oysters!


Looks awesome. Question though. Why wouldn't you shuck them first then put them on the grill? I have an oysters pan that I put right on the grill. Is it a moisture thing? Well done my friend. Jimmy from New Hampshire


You did a Great Job what a Nice video


Great video, thanks!