
Very Beautiful


Very beautiful design ❤❤❤


Thank you univers ❤️


Nice collection


Beautiful design


So pretty🎉


Wow beautiful designs ♥️


Ham tou sirf dekh hi sakte han very  beautiful


Super vangan thalparyam und❤️❤️❤️


How much for each one please. And were do you live. Am in the London. 
Am waiting for reply


Beautiful designs




Were are you located


Beautiful designs.


خواهشا این گردنبندوگوشواره رو بمن 🎁 بدید بخدا هیچی ازتون کم نمیشه خیلی زیباهستش




What's the price n how to order


1 pavan how much




Ma sha Allah, how much per set plz.Am in Gambia