Omg this is the most beautiful and crisp version of this version I’ve ever heard! I’m blown away!
A violin solo instead of guitar??? Brilliant!!!! I get goosebumps every time that I hear this cover. The harmonies are just so killer and spot on!! I love it, love it, love it!!!
There should be awards for this kind of thing. Absolutely brilliant performances, sound engineering, all of it!!
This is the most perfect recording I’ve ever heard
I don’t know a thing about Howard stern, but whoever the sound engineer is needs a raise. Every performance I come across, is aces.
Every single one of them is so clearly heard in this! It's stunning how talented all 4 are and how well they can stand out, and blend so beautifully back into harmony, yet be individually recognizable if you are paying attention to a specific one. I'm captivated each time I hear it, and THIS specific one, is so well produced compared to ANY other! This, is the definition of artistic talent across the board! ♥
I’ve probably watched this 100 times so far
The gal with the violin steals my soul during the chorus.
Holy shit…that was amazing!! The sound engineers alone deserve a raise. Their vocals sync beautifully with the instruments, and it just gives my chills. Beautiful rendition of a classic, loved it.
WOW! Never thought in a million years anyone could cover and do justice to this song. The engineering , the players and the vocals are over the top! Absolute sweetness.
Its Christmas eve in England and I choose to listen to this. Tremendous. Thank you. Thank you America.
Best cover of this song ive ever heard. They all sound amazing. Brandi Carlisle's voice can shatter glass 💙. So underrated its ridiculous. Get it girls.
Dear Lord! These women are incredible. And I don’t know what Howard Sterns team knows, but the sound from these performances are insane and this one tops them all. The mix is perfect.
what a powerfull chilling harmony...just love them
Holy shit. This is UNREAL. Every artist and sound engineer in this performance were at their best. I never thought anyone could cover this song until now.
Jesus, that violin mixed with the classic bass solo is incredible! Great cover!
4 part harmony is next to impossible to pull off. Here, it's perfect. The violin is absolutely masterful in the solo. I could watch this on a loop for hours.
Superb! Amanda Shires with a fantastic 🎻 solo 👏🏻
Standing ovation! This is an incredible cover. I love the addition of the fiddle. The way each singer takes the "run" background vocals in turn at the denouement is also an inspired choice. Many kudos!