3:49 jack was abt to get fired 😂
SyperPk just starting a war with the BIGGEST Fornite legend/menace
Lazarbeam: no glitches just pads 1:37 Sypher: glitches 1:20
Gotta beat the record for longest projectile kill across the OG FN map ;)
Idk how I feel about the OG records being beat tho. Thats history.
13:23 that one kid grinding at 5am👹👹
Thanks for always bringing something new to the table.
Bro Jack almost lost his job hahahah
Laserbeam is going to post a video breaking. Sypher’s record
3:49 Jack almost sold the clip 😂😂🤣🤣
Savage video
The fact he had to get his fans for every single record is wild
15:21 That llama on the street witnessing every single bullet being shot
Sypher just uprooted my entire childhood in 20 minutes
Psalm 105:1 “Give thanks to the lord. Worship Him. Tell the nations what he has done
Bro took "Work smart not hard" to a whole another level.
I love how he has just twisted all records so he could actually beat them
I Beat Sypher's Records, Excited To Break All Of These!
❤❤❤ love you typical gamer