Pandemics don't need propaganda. Tyranny does.
How about a Q and A about Fauccis emails?
Free Hong Kong. Taiwan is a real country
Since when did it become reasonable to beleive that healty people are resposible for making sick people sick?
the virus is so deadly the government has time to make "cute" advertisements, write "cute" rap songs, make childish animations, and try to bribe you with free food and money
Why not talk about faucis emails next?
Why do these discussions with so-called "experts" never involve authentic scientific inquiry?
Some pop singer that knows 5 chords says the jab is safe! Totally! Sign me up!
Wonder if y'all are interested in his emails now?
Let's see what Dr Fuxee says about vaccines in his emails.
So funny how most of these recommended propaganda YT videos are intended to spread information yet the comment sections are turned off.
well, yall are still hiding the like/dislike ratio. At least someone turned on comments for once. about 99% of youtube recommended covid propogranda videos have comments turned off. Its almost as if they dont want people discussing these "facts" and merely adopting them.
Hide the like ratios--fearful of peoples true opinions.
Why are so many teens having heart problems days after the jab?? Well not only teens I know of 2 individuals who were perfectly healthy before the jab and 3 weeks to the day had to have a pacemaker put in!! Why did a cruise line that had only vaccinated people on it all test positive for covid?? Why does a healthy person that may have already had it need this jab?? Can spike protein be shed??
Ah I think you should have asked a real medical organization not the "China Health Organization"
Judging by the ratio you're deleting anything critical of this video and your role as an apparatchik, aren't you?
You can keep my shot 👍
Did you ask the WHO about Taiwan? And how they ignored Taiwanese and Chinese scientists and whistleblowers revealing the CCP’s coverup of the virus?
If it's so great and safe why isn't it FDA approved? Just like a used car salesman says, TRUST ME