When the product is free, YOU are the product.
At least they are up front and telling you they are using/collecting/selling your data, LOL. Guarantee all the others are too, they just don’t make it obvious.
In a dystopian future, the newer versions of these have larger advertising screens, and the main screen shrinks.
This TV would be perfect in a commercial environment like a waiting room or lobby :O
That’s a very nice looking TV and seems to be of good quality, they should also release a paid version without the adverts! I know that’s not the point but I love the idea of having the lower display for browsing the menu system and displaying widgets (as long as they were customisable) and I’m sure people would pay good money for one without the ad window.
Why is nobody talking about how this TV basically has Eye Toy games built in? That's interesting how I grew up with that being a novelty add-on for a console and now it's a bonus gimmick literally built into a TV.
Thank you for the review! I just got mine via FedEx. I signed up the day the opened it to the public and it took so long to get it but it is here! Still have to set it up, waiting for my mount to arrive.
I think this is kinda cool. It’s open and honest about the data and metrics it collects, has physical ways to prove the camera can’t spy on you, and so long as you abide by the terms of service- it’s free. Not a bad deal for those not worried about data stuff
Should be fairly easy to 3d print a cover for that for that ad window.
Waiting for people to hack the firmware to remove the ads from that bottom screen and let you use the entire width for apps.
Apple TV works so seamlessly with the remote. Literally zero setup. Just plug in the hdmi and the remote flawlessly controls the Apple TV. I’m very happy with my Telly. Also, my kids love the motion tracking games so much.
I signed up in 2023 just got my tv 3 days ago, I have the camera blocked as for the ads not an big deal i don't notice them at all
Everyone freaking out must have never been poor. As a white boy from the hood it's hard to turn my nose up at free lol.
Honestly I would love one of these!! Seems amazing as a first TV to own
I would say no to this because my OCD will go crazy about the extra screen for ads in the bottom making them describing to me if it's on all the time.
55" TVs are so cheap now yet that secondary wide aspect ratio screen and soundbar are likely expensive. I can't possibly see this working out for them, making hundreds of dollars in ads per person is going to take a long time yet by the time that cost is recovered 55" TVs will be a fraction of what they cost even today. This isn't going to age well. As a commercial product where the secondary display is used for a different purpose I could see this working, but that's likely not a big enough market for them.
The tv is asking for permission to watch most moves you make. That’s fine if we agree. My issue is how good is their security. They want our info to sell to other companies to try to entice us to buy products. What if they got hacked and the bad guys was watching right along beside them and they didn’t know it? Do they have any claims of top of the line security, encryption servers or cameras? Telly is being somewhat honest but what a disaster if they got hacked and we had weird-oh’s tracking us.
Here because i saw this on a fb post Seems insane to me, okay cool that its free... But a night watching movies with an ad banner would be a nuisance. I could probably lean towards it, buuuuut 4k 55" tvs can be picked up pretty cheap nowadays. Doesnt seem worth it to me, the tv can take a year to get, youd have a tv by then 🤣
Can a DNS blocker like pihole block the ads on the bottom screen? And can you reconfigure the bottom screen to display somethings else?