
Dear Pisces ♓️ Distance cannot erase a connection that was meant to be. If their heart longs for you, trust that energy will find its way back in divine timing. Stay open, stay grounded, and let the universe work its magic. 💫


I'm ♓ asc ♈ and dealing with ♊ we are on different pages and I'm finally OK with that. "love is a losing game" only when you have expectations. I don't expect nothing and no one anymore. I free myself from expectation. Thank you for this precious reading. A big hug from  🇮🇹💕💖💜💗♥️


You hit the nail on the head with that Aquarius star ⭐️ card




Yes, that is true ❤


I’m Pisces Sun / Scorpio Moon . She is Aquarius Sun / Cancer Moon . Mercury ( Pisces ) & Venus ( aquarious ) for both of us . My mars in cap , she in Pisces 🥲


Beautiful words💫


Meet me at our spot ❤❤


😂💜  I'll just wait for a card I guess.  Don't really feel like globehopping, trying to figure out what pile of bones to post up at.  France?  China?  US?  I'm sure there's more.  I've been on this planet too long.  I'll just keep working until then lmfao.


Cancer ♋️ stalker wishing for me while dealing with others 😂that’s funny 
He went to Hoeland to get played


Six of cups he’s a Scorpio. We have a spiritual past life connection together, but I removed myself months ago due to his behavior issues. I was dealing with for 4 1/2 years we’ve been through repeated cycles, honesty, maturity, integrity, balance, healthy connection, and I’ve told him this multiple times I’m not I’m not gonna keep repeating it so I finally stopped talking so he act like he wasn’t listening. He was pretty much determined to do what he wanted to do and he wanted to be with me too and now The way he do things create chaos and he knows that he was unfair. I had a nasty attitude and very self-absorbed and egotistical, and he thought he was a player and he had anger issues.


I believe in miracles yesss horayyyy amillion of thanks universe 🙏💞 I love you Lord Jesus Christ superstar 🙏 amen yess


Cross watcher ❤aqua here…. Still in love with my ex Pisces ♓️ yes it’s same sex


Does hot tea count?


I meant to say he has a very bad attitude and anger issues and he was being arrogant egotistical and self-absorbed, and I felt like he was trying to jerk on me with other people intuitively I felt the deception plus I caught him in multiple lies about other people and I’m like look you need to be honest you wanna be around me I don’t do chaos. I’m not sweeping nothing under the rug. I gave you multiple chances in the past and I’m only speaking about the stuff that you do because this is what you show me this comes out in your behavior so I’m gonna speak the truth. He comes back towards me and he’s mature and honest and has integrity and can communicate effectively and bring peace and balance then we can proceed we can get along because I’ll admit we do have mutual love and feelings for each other.


Hope you enjoyed your coffee


He is a leo sun cancer moon and libra rising with a North node in Pisces. I'm pisces sun leo rising

