
Hello, I haven’t commented before but I watch both you chaps. Thank you for this discussion today. At around 4 am (UK time) my Dad aged 93 passed away. I thought I’d feel relieved he’s no longer lingering in the wait, that’s he’s with my mum, brother his many siblings . We’re never as ready as we think we are. He did have the last rites , another brother and I were there at the time. As devout a Catholic as he was, what we Irish call a BIG Catholic , a quiet gentleman; he was still afraid. He had bad dreams in recent months and he said there will be battles for our souls, he was afraid. I relearned how to pray on the rosary recently. I tried to say it to ask for all those gone before him to help him cross over. I’m dreadful at praying even the beads can’t focus me.. I’d be very grateful for anyone reading this to pray to help my Dad go home. His name is Joseph . Thank you 🙏


I learn so much about my Catholic faith when Fr. Ripperger is on. Thank you.


Fr. Ripperger is ECHOING!


I was always taught to pray for ‘a happy death’... dying in a state of Grace... having a Priest present to hear my Confession and give me Holy Communion together with anointing and praying prayers for the dying ❤


I've worked at Hospitals for about 30 years (retired now) and the nurses used to tell me about the death experiences. One jamaican nurse came into my office and was very pale and a little shaky and teary eyed, I asked her if she was ok and she said no, I had her sit down and I gave her a glass of water and asked her what was up, she proceeded to tell me that she just witnessed a death and the man was very nasty to the staff and was in the hospice over a month, she said everyone knew he was just an evil being. Well as he was in final stages of death today, he began to scream in terror and was flailing his arms and pushing and hitting at the air all the while with the terror in his eyes. He passed about 20 minutes before she got to my office. She said she never saw someone fight so hard in those last moments as she did this man, and she'll never forget it.  So I asked her what do the good ppl deaths look like and she said they just pass quietly and look peaceful. Stuck in my mind this video made me remember that day.


Thank you, Dr. Taylor Marshall and Fr. Ripperger for this talk!!


What a gift we have in Father Ripperger. No  guile in this good priest.


When my mom was going to pass. The first thing I did was arranged for our priest. It was the most important thing I had to do. A few hours afterwards , I noticed her breathing getting weaker. I read her the first chapter of the Gospel of John. I had a Gregorian Chant playing in the background because I know demons hate it. Then I started the Rosary but she passed. I then prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet immediately. Then one decade of the Rosary. There weee hospital staff coming in so I couldn’t continue   I tried to make her death as Holy as I could. I placed the Miraculous Medal and the St. Benedict medal around her neck when she went to the hospital as well. ❤


St Michael chaplet, mentions "that none of them may approach to harm us".  Mother Angelica said it.  Thank you Father. ❤


At minute 6 the echo stops and audio is clear! This is critical information. Thank you Dr Taylor Marshall, we look forward to meeting you tomorrow 3/19, and thank you Father Ripperger, we learn so much from you! ❤❤❤


Thankyou Father Ripperger for all that you do for the Church.  We need more prelates like you and less like those who mock and deceive the faithful.  God Bless


Please Archangel Saint Gabriel, God's messenger, protect This transmission from the Interferences of the Malignant.


Thank you for sharing. I can relate as my father, Herbert recently passed on January 19 at age 92. Same story you shared... thank you with some tiers 😢   I pray the rosary every day and both will be in my prayers. God Bless


Thank you so much! This is something we all need to know, especially as Catholics (or maybe for everyone). 👍🏾🙏🏽♥️


This was so beautiful to listen to . I’m the beginning there was so issues but the problem was corrected. May God bless you both


I haven’t been taught any of this. I am very sick with cancer and I know my time is limited. A Bishop told me to pray to Saint Dimas.  Dimas when he was crucified beside Jesus, he was the good thief.  He was penitent at the last minute and we know what Jesus said to him. 
Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.
Jesus is the law.


Love ❤️ Fr Ripperger, he is a very holy catholic man. May God bless him 🙏 XOXO


Very godd episode.Should be a part of every RCIA class in every parish.


With confession i know I am avoiding hell, but I know I still have to pay. That is God's justice.


Best priest ever!  Tells the truth!