His show was so freaking random but by far the best marvel TV show they released and the most underrated
Props to the actor for making them all somehow look different
"random bullshit go" the best line in comics
Even Marc and Steven asked each other if that was one of them and they both said no
Random bullshit go! 😂
In the comics, Moon Knight and Mr Knight are separate personalities, not just empowered versions of Marc and Steven
The fact that all 3 love Layla is just 😍😍
"Random bullsh!t go" That has to be the best line in the comics
We need more of Jake. I didn’t even know that was Jake until I researched more about Moon Knight
Oscar Issac legit became one of my most favorite actors after watching the series. ❤🗿🍷🌙
Mark is not "the owner of the body." That's not how DID works. They're all part of a whole, basically like different pieces of a broken bowl. No single piece is the bowl itself, only part of it.
Bro being Moonknight would be confusing like imagine hanging out with your friends and then all of the sudden there are 5 dead bodies on the ground
In the comics mr. Knight is a badass, but they did my boy dirty in the show.
Episode 5 was very emotional...
My favourite is Steven man his innocence and the way he handle things makes me giggle ❤
Episode 6 final battle with Marc and Steven switching goes hard. Too bad we didn’t get any more of that.
Agreed. Mk is one of my fav characters bc I also have a personality disorder, but he's also just a badass, but Jake will just beat someone mercilessly or pull the trigger without hesitation
Jake is so ruthless, he tried to kill an infant in comics 😮
Actually I think there's a lot more personalities because there was like 50 different doors with people in them in the last couple episodes with the mental hospital