Wish we could flip the financial picture and make the rich live off the pittance that seniors and disabled.people live from.
Economic Blackout planned for Friday, February 28th. No purchasing for 24 hours.
Community--one way to unite us again. Thank you, David. 1:30 AM
Sharing with neighbors is a great idea, David. When our garden over produces my neighbors enjoy our tomatoes and pears with us! I feel grateful to be able to give. Tho my extended family gets in line first, there’s usually extra to go around. Back to Basics! Grab a pot… GROW something! We all benefit from the effort, no matter how small it may seem. Thank you for your reading, David! It rang true for moi’ 🎶 🔔 🎶
If the wealthiest and corporations contributed to the tax system we probably would not have this deficit
I’m planning my garden already. It will be important this year.
I'm 74 and have lived on a frayed shoestring off and on my whole life. I paid attention to my great aunt and grandmother on how to do things to make the skinny ends meet. I know how to cook from scratch and enjoy it. I've gardened throughout my life, so I know how to do that, too. I mentioned gardening to my 39 y o roommate, and she said I'm not doing that. It sounds like work, something she has never done in her life. I know I can be self-sufficient.
Making your own bread, fresh out of the oven or fry pan, is a sensible luxury you can treat yourself to. Now that's living well!
Good guidance.thanks.the best way to disengage the greed and fear mongering.be safe and well.
Thank YOU, David! The way you did this reading was so gently done.
I hired someone from work to do some handyman type chores for me. Cost 30% less and it took a lot longer but we all enjoyed the process. Canceled my Amazon prime membership. Reusing everything I can. Lots of youtube channels that show how our grandparents did things. ❤
I rarely go out. Cooking at home makes me happy.
So glad I have my daughters car, she purchased a new car in “Dec 21”, so when she passed she only had it 14 months, with only 7,000 miles on it, still like new, has a warranty, then I purchased an additional 6 yr warranty and probably won’t be needing another vehicle considering I’m almost most 70. I sure do miss her, she was my Firesign, child, a very fiery Aires!
I have not gotten any fast food eaten in a restaurant or had food delivered since Covid. I cook all my meals at home. I put the saved amt away and now have a good amount squirreled away😊Instead of using rolls and rolls of paper towels I am now using old t- shirts and towels and put them in the laundryInstead of buying disinefectant wipes and sprays filled with chemicals, I have been making my own cleaning solutions, one with bleach and water and one with vinegar, blue dish soap and water.
One more thought. Most of us on SS have accumulated a few things we don’t use. Those things can fetch $$ if sold for cash. A friend once needed cash fast. She went to the PO, got labels, postage, etc, and proceeded to empty a closet item by item, taking photos of each. She put that stuff on eBay. She charged little for the items and added a shipping charge that made the real money. That entire closet sold out in a day! My friend set up a production line, shipped it all and made over $1,000. Just saying.😊
David, you're such a sweetheart with this sage advice. Let's hope it's not as bad as some suggest, but best be prepared. Thankyou, cheers 😊
You have provided a word to the wise. Everything you have said is fundamentally correct in order to survive a shock to our economy. Once again...thank you.
Hi David, that was great advice you gave tonight. Thank you so much. 🌻🦋🌻🦋🤗🤗👋👋👋
I've always picked up every peice of change I see. Always have 😊