
I feel like if you pull over a drunk driver that refuses to open the door or roll the window down, you should be cleared to break the window.


I live in Arizona, and my husband was a DUI cop for over 35 years in a major city, I had him watch part of this, and he said to me “this was a nightly occurrence for me. These women would talk to me like I was a piece of crap, yet the truth was, they were the piece of crap. Several ended up refunding and some killed innocent people later because the courts were so lenient on these people.“ He couldn’t even watch the video anymore. However he has a running log of the people he put away and he put over 1800 people away because of DUI , and that makes him feel really good about himself. Until the courts become more strict on these types of people, nothing is going to change it will continue until there are enough innocent people dead then maybe somebody will start screaming loud enough for legislature to do something.


The entitlement and arrogance of people like this today is truly unbelievable....she's special so laws don't apply to her.


Wow just wow, I can’t believe this woman was actually driving. This is scary


Nothing says you're sober like refusing a breath test. That should be an automatic guilty conviction.


That says alot 100% guilty. I hate people who drink alcohol and get behind the wheel. Absolutely disgusting in every way


I’m glad she explained that pesky reverse-park-reverse thing that has had me puzzled for fifty years


She's so drunk that the cops were in danger of catching a contact high from her breath.


This woman is so wasted she can barely stand up straight yet alone string a sentence together, but she still made the idiotic choice to drive while intoxicated, putting not only her own life in danger but also everyone else on the roads. DUI is never acceptable, but this lady took it to a whole other level of dangerous and selfish by getting drunk and then driving in that condition. What a shame!


Drunks seem to repeat themselves over and over and over again!!  Like, hey, are you hearing me!!  Thank you to all of the police officers for doing a job most of us could never do!!  So much insanity they have to deal with on the daily!!


Arrogant entitlement. Nothing but irritating...I absolutely never could be a LEO, I would lose my job in the first hour of dealing with these people.


Thankyou for  saving lives  officers  great video  Josh


People like this should be made to watch hours of devastating & graphic DUI crash videos with consequences.


She scares me. To think people drive drunk and act like that. I dont drive at night for a couple reasons. One is people like her.


Why do they act stupid every time they are pulled over like that, it never fails, never.😖😖


Damn how did she even find her car lmao.... talking about a e brake release is the reverse 😂😂😂


The "reverse" handle is funny AF 😂🤣 Mam, there's no such thing. It only appears when you're drunk😂 It's magic✨Only your car has that function mam🤣


“Drunk driving dance party” Josh you are awesome


Automatically putting her in cuffs for being so wasted behind the wheel


Congrats on over 6K already!! 🎉😊
Even tho she was running her big mouth, at least she wasn’t as combative as some of these drunks are…and honestly, I just cannot imagine ever being so drunk that I would do things like being practically passed out at a traffic light, thinking that the cops did something to ME if I had been drinking & driving, or even just being able to speak to an officer in any kind of way like that!!