
Well this is a surprise😂😂😂😂 we met like 3 days ago now you pop up on my YouTube. Definitely don't register, cops out here don't bother you as Long as you're not being a douche


I Abosulte love the sound of the Talaria motor!


I followed all your other razor builds and I finally finished all 3 of mine my Mx is a beast lol 60mph sits and looks like a real pit bike


hi I love Your videos!!


He’s flying on that thing. Dope af


I like shinko 244 in rear 241 in front, Stealthy smooth


Razor ecosmart scooter got one for $100 on offer up. Will install a vevor motor on it.


6:19 I love having the option to jump on the sidewalk when I need to 🤫 lol. I think the best part of not having my xxx registered is being able to be a “bike” when I want to, and being a moped when I want to. Is there any reason you went with the xxx over a sur ron, mx4, e ride, or solar eclipse?. I’m 5’11 and the more I ride, the more I get a itch for something bigger lol.


i would maybe register as a moped if possible but it’s always more Eco on the wallet to just ride without lol  😂


Don't register it!!!!!!


Pretty cool


Great video btw


How much worse is are the shinko's on road? I basically would only use them on unpaved / slightly muddy shortcuts, so if they are a lot worse ill just keep the stocks but otherwise a little bit more capable offroad tires would be nice


Randomly found your video. Legit question if you got time to explain even if its through email. How does one register a electric bike as a motorcycle or moped? I am building a stealth bomber clone. 72 volt 630amp 1200phase, 3.5t qs273 hub motor and well yeah it is roughly 58.9hp sure I can ride it around at 28mph but my ebikes are literally my daily commuters and its not technically legal for me to ride even 1000watt ones on roads above 30mph. Trying to figure out how one registers the bikes or goes about that. I never get harassed by cops so far with my 2 years of riding around on ebikes. PS no licenses atm struggle to get driver licenses for a car but needs one before I can get motorcycle licenses unless there is a way to just get moto licenses.


Wow ! I just noticed you were able to put the X in the rear hatch?   Was it difficult? And did you do it alone?  Just wondering because I have a BMW x3.       Didn’t think I had a chance to fit it in! lol


Pat I have a question. How much better has your range Got VS the stock set up.I enjoy my luna triple x But my biggest problem is it's range.before spending three grand I was simply wondering how much better is the range


I surprised that cop didn’t say anything.. aren’t you in Virginia?


I’d vote don’t register until the cost of tickets is more than the cost of registration, insurance and all fees involved for a year


if i cant register mine then i’m
gonna have to sell, cops are giving tickets to everyone where i’m from. How would you go about registering it? i hear it is a tricky process


you need to change your grip . you wrists should almost be at the same position when you are at cruising speed. your wrist start to hurt when they are over flexed.