I always make 3 or 4 cans of Dulce de leche at a time. Since the labels are taken off, I always know what’s in the can. It’s good for a couple of years
Cans have liners that shouldn’t be heated. This is a terrible idea. Do not do this.
Ok. i just read a blog that said dont use the can with the pop lid because it’ll open. I want to try this with my slow cooker but thats all I have. Might still try
You could also just submerge it in a pressure cooker with water and no whistle for about 50mins-1hr. Gets the job done.
Just BUY a can of Nestlé Dulce de Leche‼️ It's in the same size can as the sweetened condensed milk! And the same price too. They're literally on the same shelf at the grocery store!‼️ No need to spend the time, gas/electricity, worry about the pot running dry and exploding or burning down the house‼️
‘dul-se de let-che’ yall, hope this helps! 🙏
Os americanos descobriram só agora, pessoal…
I’ve been wondering if I can make this with my sous vide instead of a live flame from my gas cooktop… has anybody tried this and been successful?
uhhhhhhh, i'm pretty sure you can just buy this? ? ? at least where i live it's a pretty popular product??
Where can I find the recipe for the Dulce de Leche Basque Cheesecake?
We just do it in the pressure cooker. It's just faster without the need to top up
What kind of cheese cake is that? Looks terrible😮
Experienced cook but generally not a baker. Rarely use condensed milk however, would never have thought of essentially cooking in a sealed can! The few comments/suggestions are mostly superfluous. A sealed can, good for 3 weeks, no pressure cooler needed...needs no recommendations. Gonna try and start baking.